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Use TensorBoard with Keras Tuner

I ran into an apparent circular dependency trying to use log data for TensorBoard during a hyper-parameter search done with Keras Tuner, for a model built with TF2. The typical setup for the latter needs to set up the Tensorboard callback in the tuner's search() method, which wraps the model's fit() method.

from kerastuner.tuners import RandomSearch
tuner = RandomSearch(build_model, #this method builds the model
             hyperparameters=hp, objective='val_accuracy')
tuner.search(x=train_x, y=train_y,
             validation_data=(val_x, val_y),

In practice, the tensorboard_cb callback method needs to set up the directory where data will be logged and this directory has to be unique to each trial. A common way is to do this by naming the directory based on the current timestamp, with code like below.

log_dir = time.strftime('trial_%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S')
tensorboard_cb = TensorBoard(log_dir)

This works when training a model with known hyper-parameters. However, when doing hyper-parameters search, I have to define and specify the TensorBoard callback before invoking tuner.search(). This is the problem: tuner.search() will invoke build_model() multiple times and each of these trials should have its own TensorBoard directory. Ideally defining log_dir will be done inside build_model() but the Keras Tuner search API forces the TensorBoard to be defined outside of that function.

TL;DR: TensorBoard gets data through a callback and requires one log directory per trial, but Keras Tuner requires defining the callback once for the entire search, before performing it, not per trial. How can unique directories per trial be defined in this case?

like image 903
wishihadabettername Avatar asked Dec 11 '19 21:12


People also ask

Does TensorBoard work with keras?

Using TensorBoard with Keras Model. Start TensorBoard through the command line or within a notebook experience. The two interfaces are generally the same. In notebooks, use the %tensorboard line magic. On the command line, run the same command without "%".

Is keras tuner good?

Keras tune is a great way to check for different numbers of combinations of kernel size, filters, and neurons in each layer. Keras tuner can be used for getting the best parameters for our deep learning model that will give the highest accuracy that can be achieved with those combinations we define.

What is Max_trials in keras tuner?

max_trials represents the number of hyperparameter combinations that will be tested by the tuner, while execution_per_trial is the number of models that should be built and fit for each trial for robustness purposes.

1 Answers

The keras tuner creates a subdir for each run (statement is probably version dependent).

I guess finding the right version mix is of importance.

Here is how it works for me, in jupyterlab.


  1. pip requirements

(2.) jupyterlab installed, built and running [standard compile arguments: production:minimize]

Here is the actual code. First i define the log folder and the callback

# run parameter
log_dir = "logs/" + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%m%d-%H%M")

# training meta
stop_callback = EarlyStopping(
    monitor='loss', patience=1, verbose=0, mode='auto')

hist_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(

print("log_dir", log_dir)

Then i define my hypermodel, which i do not want to disclose. Afterwards i set up the hyper parameter search

from kerastuner.tuners import Hyperband

hypermodel = get_my_hpyermodel()

tuner = Hyperband(

which i then execute

    validation_data=(val_data, val_labels),


While the notebook with this code searches for adequate hyper parameters i control the loss in another notebook. Since tf V2 tensorboard can be called via a magic function

Cell 1

import tensorboard

Cell 2

%load_ext tensorboard

Cell 3

%tensorboard --logdir 'logs/'

Sitenote: Since i run jupyterlab in a docker container i have to specifiy the appropriate address and port for tensorboard and also forward this in the dockerfile.

The result is not really predictable for me... I did not understand yet, when i can expect histograms and distributions in tensorboard. Some runs the loading time seems really excessive... so have patience

Under scalars i find a list of the turns as follows


E.g. 0101-1010/bb7981e03d05b05106d8a35923353ec46570e4b6/execution0/train 0101-1010/bb7981e03d05b05106d8a35923353ec46570e4b6/execution0/validation

like image 131
Jonas Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09
