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Use styled-components to supply a css class

I have a 3rd party lib which needs a calendarClassName to modify its style which expect a traditional class name of a CSS class. Can I use styled components to accomplish this?

I tried css function, but it won't work, the result is the array of style rather than a CSS class entity.

Just want to do something like this:

const myStyle = css`color: black`;

<DatePicker calendarClassName={myStyle}> // won't work

Tried attrs without any luck, the className has not been passed down to DatePicker.

const calendarClassName = "calendar";
export const MyDatePicker = styled(DatePicker).attrs({
  .${calendarClassName} {
    border-radius: 0px;
    box-shadow: 2px 0px 2.5px #D6D6D6;
    border: 1px solid ${color.pacific};

I know I can use CSS directly, but I just want to know how to use styled-components to do the job.

Thanks :)

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Albert Gao Avatar asked Sep 18 '18 04:09

Albert Gao

2 Answers

styled-components does not provide a way to generate class names without them being attached to a component. However, we can use this feature to our advantage to achieve what you're looking for.

Simple className rename

If you need to use a class name generated by styled-components, given that we know that it will be attached to the className prop, you can create an intermediate component to manipulate it as needed.

const ClassNameToCalendarClassName = ({ className, ...rest }) => (
  <Calendar calendarClassName={className} {...rest} />

const SConvertClassNameToCalendarClassName = styled(ClassNameToCalendarClassName)`
  color: blue;

Multiple className renames

For cases where you need multiple classNames at a given point in the code, you'll need as many intermediate components as classes you need:

const ClassNameToC3 = ({ c1, c2, className, ...rest }) => (
  // if you pass {...rest}, c1 and c2 are redundant, but included for clarity
  <Calendar c1={c1} c2={c2} c3={className} {...rest} />

const ClassNameToC2 = ({ className, ...rest }) => (
  <ClassNameToC3 c2={className} {...rest} />

const ClassNameToC1 = ({ className, ...rest }) => (
  <ClassNameToC2 c1={className} {...rest} />

and the matching styled components,

// Styled components
const SClassNameToC3 = styled(ClassNameToC3)`...`;
const SClassNameToC2 = styled(ClassNameToC2)`...`;
const SClassNameToC1 = styled(ClassNameToC1)`...`;
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aryzing Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09


You can inject CSS classes using the following code snippet. In below snippet, in class-1 the colour property would be overridden. This would work if class-1 is already existing class being applied or else you will have to pass className='class-1' to DatePicker.

import styled, { css } from 'styled-components';
export const StyledDatePicker = styled(DatePicker)`
.class-1 {
 color: black;
like image 40
Shubham Gupta Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Shubham Gupta