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use slugify in template

I want to have SEO-friendly URL,my current url in urls.py :


I use it in template:

{% for n in news %}
     <a href="{% url CompanyHub.views.getNews n.title,n.pk %}" >{{n.description}}</a>
{% endfor %}

I use news_id to get news object with that PK . I want to convert this url:

../company/news/tile of news,with comma/11



by doing some thing like this in template:

{% for n in news %}
      <a href="{% url CompanyHub.views.getNews slugify(n.title),n.pk %}" >{{n.description}}</a>
{% endfor %}

I checked out these questions: question1 question2 question3 and this article but they save an slugify field in database while I wanna generate it on demand.in addition I want to run a query by news_id.

I think this question is good,but I don't know how to use news_id to fetch my news object

like image 746
Asma Gheisari Avatar asked Jul 12 '12 15:07

Asma Gheisari

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1 Answers

This will generate the needed url:

{% for n in news %}
      <a href="{% url CompanyHub.views.getNews n.title|slugify n.pk %}" >{{n.description}}</a>
{% endfor %}

The examples above save slugify_field in database, as they later search for it. Otherwise in database you'll have a normal title, and slugified title in code for searching.. No easy way to compare them. But the way you've explained is simpler. You will have this kind of view:

def news(request, slug, news_id):
    news = News.objects.filter(pk=news_id)

UPDATE: To use unicode symbols in slugify, you'll need a conversion first. Look at this: How to make Django slugify work properly with Unicode strings?. It uses the Unidecode library

Then add a custom filter:

from unidecode import unidecode
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify

def slug(value):
    return slugify(unidecode(value))

register.filter('slug', slug)

then in your template use this:

{% load mytags %}
<a href="{% url CompanyHub.views.getNews n.title|slug n.pk %}

Here is an example:

{{ "影師嗎 1 2 3"|slug}}

renders as:

like image 128
Tisho Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10
