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Use SF Symbols system image for static UIApplicationShortcutItem


When specifying home screen quick actions, UIApplicationShortcutItems, in your Info.plist, is there a way to use a system image from SF Symbols?

The docs noting the available iOS keys doesn't specify a key to do this, besides specifying one of the predefined enum cases from UIApplicationShortcutItemIconType such as UIApplicationShortcutIconTypeSearch.

It is possible to use a system image when creating dynamic quick actions via a new initializer UIApplicationShortcutIcon.init(systemImageName: String). Is there a Info.plist key that allows this for static quick actions?

like image 981
Jordan H Avatar asked Jul 22 '19 04:07

Jordan H

People also ask

Can I use SF Symbols on my website?

You are not able to use this icons on the websites as license of SF symbols do not allow use those symbols externally than apple's products.

1 Answers

Use UIApplicationShortcutItemIconSymbolName instead of UIApplicationShortcutItemIconFile in your Info.plist.

like image 172
Ryan Ashcraft Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 04:10

Ryan Ashcraft