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Use regex to find text NOT between two characters

I have a single string of words, in which each word is separated by a newline character. I've used RegEx replacements to insert '{' and '}' characters around common prefixes and suffixes. The result looks like this:


What I'm trying to figure out is how I can perform a RegEx replace on this string that will only match text not between the '{' and '}' characters. I have further replacements to make, and each time I do, I'll be placing the '{' and '}' characters around the matches; I just don't wan't previous replacements (or pieces thereof) to be matched when performing new replacements. I know how to match "not '{'", for example, but I don't know how to match "not between '{' and '}'"

To put it into perspective, an example next replacement operation here would be to to replace all 'n' characters with '7' characters. In this case, the first line of the string, "{con}descens{ion}", should become "{con}desce{7}s{ion}" and not "{co{7}}desce{7}s{io{7}}"; the other words would remain the same based on these criteria.

Any suggestions?

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RapierMother Avatar asked May 30 '14 06:05


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1 Answers

Assuming your curly braces will always be balanced, you can use a Negative Lookahead here.


Note: This only matches characters of the A to Z range, if words will include whitespace or you have other characters that need to be allowed or unsure of the type of input, you can use a negated match here.


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hwnd Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11
