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Use other column values for Eloquent update


I would like to perform an UPDATE using Eloquent, that will set column_c value using values of column_a and column_b of the same table. Basically, something like this:

User::where('id', '>', 0)
        ->update(['column_c' => $this->column_a + $this->column_b]);

where $this->column_a and $this->column_b would be the actual values from the current row.

MySQL equivalent:

UPDATE `user` WHERE id > 0 SET column_c = column_a + column_b;

Note: The code above is just an example to show the idea. It's not the actual implementation (which would be creating a DB redundancy).

How do I perform such update in Laravel 5.1? I would really like to avoid a foreach.

like image 892
lesssugar Avatar asked Jun 29 '15 14:06


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1 Answers

Maybe DB::raw can help. This will allow you to use any standard sql query to combine your data:

User::where('id', '>', 1)
    ->update(['column_c' => DB::raw( CONCAT(column_a, '-', column_b) )]);
like image 188
Pᴇʜ Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 03:09
