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Use of pipe symbol in Select clause



Is there any way/use of putting pipe symbol || in select clause.

I have come across following query in one of the article(probably to concatenate two values), but when I try to use the same in my query I am getting syntax error.

select FirstName ||''|| LastName As CustomerName from Customer

Please correct if I am using wrong syntax.

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PS078 Avatar asked May 05 '15 08:05


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Pipe Character (|) is the Bitwise OR Operator in T-SQL The pipe character (|) is the bitwise OR operator. The query below produces the truth table for OR operations between the AttributeA and AttributeB columns. The LogicalOR will be 1 if any either AttributeA or AttributeB equals 1.

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The concatenation operator is a binary operator, whose syntax is shown in the general diagram for an SQL Expression. You can use the concatenation operator ( || ) to concatenate two expressions that evaluate to character data types or to numeric data types.

What is pipe symbol in Oracle?

The || operator is used for concatenating two strings, in Oracle a single | is not a valid operator.

What does || mean in Oracle SQL?

The SQL || operator allows you to concatenate 2 or more strings together.

1 Answers

You can use CONCAT() function, which works in SQL Server 2012 and above, or just a plain + sign to do concatenation.


Returns a string that is the result of concatenating two or more string values.

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Evaldas Buinauskas Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10

Evaldas Buinauskas