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Use of "instanceof" in Java [duplicate]

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What is use of Instanceof in Java?

The instanceof operator in Java is used to check whether an object is an instance of a particular class or not. Its syntax is. objectName instanceOf className; Here, if objectName is an instance of className , the operator returns true . Otherwise, it returns false .

Is it good to use Instanceof in Java?

Probably most of you have already heard that using “instanceof” is a code smell and it is considered as a bad practice. While there is nothing wrong in it and may be required at certain times, but the good design would avoid having to use this keyword.

What can I use instead of Instanceof?

Having a chain of "instanceof" operations is considered a "code smell". The standard answer is "use polymorphism".

What is the use of Instanceof keyword?

The instanceof keyword checks whether an object is an instance of a specific class or an interface. The instanceof keyword compares the instance with type. The return value is either true or false .

Basically, you check if an object is an instance of a specific class. You normally use it, when you have a reference or parameter to an object that is of a super class or interface type and need to know whether the actual object has some other type (normally more concrete).


public void doSomething(Number param) {
  if( param instanceof Double) {
    System.out.println("param is a Double");
  else if( param instanceof Integer) {
    System.out.println("param is an Integer");

  if( param instanceof Comparable) {
    //subclasses of Number like Double etc. implement Comparable
    //other subclasses might not -> you could pass Number instances that don't implement that interface
    System.out.println("param is comparable"); 

Note that if you have to use that operator very often it is generally a hint that your design has some flaws. So in a well designed application you should have to use that operator as little as possible (of course there are exceptions to that general rule).

instanceof is used to check if an object is an instance of a class, an instance of a subclass, or an instance of a class that implements a particular interface.

Read more from the Oracle language definition here.

instanceof can be used to determine the actual type of an object:

class A { }  
class C extends A { } 
class D extends A { } 

public static void testInstance(){
    A c = new C();
    A d = new D();
    Assert.assertTrue(c instanceof A && d instanceof A);
    Assert.assertTrue(c instanceof C && d instanceof D);
    Assert.assertFalse(c instanceof D);
    Assert.assertFalse(d instanceof C);

instanceof is a keyword that can be used to test if an object is of a specified type.

Example :

public class MainClass {
    public static void main(String[] a) {

    String s = "Hello";
    int i = 0;
    String g;
    if (s instanceof java.lang.String) {
       // This is going to be printed
       System.out.println("s is a String");
    if (i instanceof Integer) {
       // This is going to be printed as autoboxing will happen (int -> Integer)
       System.out.println("i is an Integer");
    if (g instanceof java.lang.String) {
       // This case is not going to happen because g is not initialized and
       // therefore is null and instanceof returns false for null. 
       System.out.println("g is a String");

Here is my source.