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Use of defined/undef in Perl



I am planning to pass two variables to a perl function, one of which may be optional. I am trying to check if the second one is defined or not, but it doesn't work correctly. When I called the function as myFunction(18), it assumes that the variable $optional is defined and goes to the else statement. But in the else statement when the $optional variable is being accessed it throws an "uninitialized" error. This is exactly opposite of what I have expected. Any help is greatly appreciated.

sub myFunction {
    my ($length, $optional) = (@_);

    if (undef($optional) {
        more code..
    else {
        more code...

like image 727
user466663 Avatar asked Feb 09 '13 21:02


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1 Answers

The correct function is defined. undef undefines $optional. What you want to do is something like this:

sub myFunction {
    my($length, $optional) = @_;

    if (!defined $optional) {
        # Do whatever needs to be done if $optional isn't defined.
    else {
        # Do whatever can be done if $optional *is* defined.

Another way to deal with it (especially Perl 5.10+) is to use the "defined or" operator, //, like this:

sub MyFunc {
    my $length = shift;
    my $optional = shift // 'Default Value';
    # Do your stuff here.

What that does is detect whether the return value of shift @_ is defined. Since you already called shift once, we're now testing the second parameter. If it's defined, assign the value to $optional. If it's not defined, assign 'Default Value' to $optional. Of course you have to come up with your own sane default.

If you're stuck in the dark ages of pre-Perl 5.10, you could accomplish the same with:

my $optional = shift;
$optional = defined $optional ? $optional : 'Default value';


my $length = shift;
my $optional = defined( $_[0] ) ? shift : 'Default value';

Either way, I often prefer having a sane default, rather than a totally separate control flow path. It's often a good way to simplify code.

like image 191
DavidO Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10
