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Use NodeJS to upload file in an API call



I'm looking at using NodeJS to act as the server to build an API.

Ideally I'd love for there to be an API endpoint to send a set of information as well as a file which can be saved to the files system.

Most examples I've seen are for sending a file via a form, however I'd like to do this through a post request.

Does anyone know how I could achieve this (if it's at all possible)?

At the moment what I'd like to achieve is something along the following lines:

app.post('/Some/Endpoint/', controller.handleSomeEndpoint, function(request, response) {
    response.send('Finished Request');

exports.handleSomeEndpoint = function(request, response, next) {
    var bodyarr = []
    request.on('data', function(chunk){
    request.on('end', function(){
      console.log( bodyarr.join('') );

But the data and end never get called if I run a curl command along the lines of:

curl -F 'test=@test_file'

Cheers, Matt

like image 793
Matt Gaunt Avatar asked Jan 11 '12 17:01

Matt Gaunt

2 Answers

The answer seems to be that expressJS doesn't use the same method of handling a post file as the http module in nodejs.

All that was needed was including a directory for the files to be written to:


Which I found here:


like image 182
Matt Gaunt Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 04:10

Matt Gaunt

I would suggest you to use Formidable to avoid anonymous file uploading.

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piggyback Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 04:10
