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Use Lambda or Linq to create Model of SelectList with Selected item for razor View in MVC5


I'm using EF code first and MVC5 C# for my web application. I've created a db table that contains master definitions for a couple dozen settings that are used to specify input and output parameters throughout the application.

I've also created a table that keys on user ID. Each user that gets created is given default settings that can be changed at any time using a User Preferences (razor) View page.

Now I am trying to code the controller actions for this View page. Most all of these user preferences will require selection from a dropdown list, but this is where it's confusing for me.

// UOM Master Table
public class UOMMaster
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string MeasureId { get; set; }         // Text used as labels
    public double SortOrder { get; set; }         // User preferences sort order
    public string UOMId { get; set; }             // UOM abbreviation
    public bool IsUserPreference { get; set; }    // true if is a stored user preference

The master table data above may look like:

1,   "AbsolutePress",   1,   "psi",    true
2,   "AbsolutePress",   1,   "kPaa",   true
3,   "FluidFlow",       2,   "GPM",    true
4,   "FluidFlow",       2,   "m^3/Hr", true
5,   "FluidFlow",       2,   "l/s",    true

etc, etc...

The custom Identity with an ICollection containing :

public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser
    // Default Units of Measure
    public virtual ICollection<AspNetUserUOMDefault> UOMDefaults { get; set; }

The preferred user defaults are stored in a table keyed on Identity's UserId:

public class AspNetUserUOMDefault
    public virtual ApplicationUser UserProfile { get; set; }

    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string MeasureId { get; set; }
    public string PreferredUomId { get; set; }

Using the tables above, I need to create a razor View that displays dropdown lists to display the user's preferred setting:

AbsolutePress:    | psi          | V |     <-- Dropdown list containing 
                  +--------------+---+         all options available for
                  | psi              |         AbsolutePress as defined in
                  | kPaa             |         master table, with user's
                  +------------------+         preferred setting selected.

FluidFlow:        +--------------+---+
                  | m^3/Hr       | V |     <-- Dropdown list containing
                  +--------------+---+         all options available for
                  | GPM              |         FluidFlow as defined in
                  | m^3/Hr           |         master table, with user's
                  | l/s              |         preferred setting selected.

etc, etc...

The GET Controller Action confuses me. I just don't have an idea on how to form the Model returned to the razor View, but it needs to be ordered by SortOrder (ascending) and contain an IList/ICollection of SelectList (perhaps??) containing the following (I'm not sure how to do this):

        UomId (Selected)
        UomId (Selected)

   etc, etc..

The View template needs to display the contents of the Model using dropdown lists in SortOrder order. I envision this being dynamic so that a preference could be added to the database table without any changes required to either the Controller Actions or razor View template.

In the View there would be a foreach (I'm not sure how to do this):

@foreach (var preference in Model.UOMPreferences)
<div class="form-group">
    @Html.LabelFor(preference.MeasureId, new { @class = "col-md-3 control-label" })
    <div class="col-md-4">
            new SelectList(preference.optionsList, "Value", "Text"), 
            new { @class = "form-control" })

Does anyone have the experience and time to provide me with code snippet suggestions on how I can accomplish this? Probably my biggest confusion is in the Controller Actions themselves (GET and POST). I don't really care if the Model is created with Lambda or Linq, but I just can't envision how this can be done - and I'm sure it can be. My database models can likely be improved, though I think they will work?