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Use kubeconfig for helm client install panding

Im using the helm SDK and it works great, for my testing using the fake option which works(for kubeconfig),

Now when I update the kubeconfig to my cluster I notice that during installation the chart is stuck on status pending, and it stuck forever in this state until I'm deleting & installing it again,(manually) My question is how to solve this issue with the Helm SDK (via code only) https://pkg.go.dev/helm.sh/helm/v3,

I mean wait for a while and if the status is pending after 3 min delete and reinstall it again... or try upgrade before

This is the code

    kubeConfigPath, err := findKubeConfig()
    if err != nil {

    actionConfig := &action.Configuration{

    cfg := cli.New()
    clientGetter := genericclioptions.NewConfigFlags(false)
    clientGetter.KubeConfig = &kubeConfigPath

    actionConfig.Init(clientGetter, "def", "memory", log.Printf)
    if err != nil {

    chart, err := installation.InstallChart(cfg, "test", "chart1", "./charts/dns", nil, actionConfig)
    if err != nil {

func findKubeConfig() (string, error) {
    env := os.Getenv("KUBECONFIG")
    if env != "" {
        return env, nil
    path, err := homedir.Expand("~/.kube/config")
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    return path, nil
like image 919
Jenney Avatar asked Nov 06 '22 01:11


1 Answers

Looking at the example, I don't know what the installation package is but I feel like you would need to use a Loader (maybe you are using it in that pkg)

from a quick search over the github issues I found someone with a similar problem - and they got the same suggestion. here is a derived example:

package main

import (

    _ "k8s.io/client-go/plugin/pkg/client/auth"

func main() {
    chartPath := "./charts/dns"
    chart, err := loader.Load(chartPath)
    if err != nil {

    kubeconfigPath := findKubeConfig()
    releaseName := "test"
    releaseNamespace := "default"
    actionConfig := new(action.Configuration)
    if err := actionConfig.Init(kube.GetConfig(kubeconfigPath, "", releaseNamespace), releaseNamespace, os.Getenv("HELM_DRIVER"), func(format string, v ...interface{}) {
        fmt.Sprintf(format, v)
    }); err != nil {

    iCli := action.NewInstall(actionConfig)
    iCli.Namespace = releaseNamespace
    iCli.ReleaseName = releaseName
    rel, err := iCli.Run(chart, nil)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Successfully installed release: ", rel.Name)
    // check Release Status, feel free to run it in a go routine along the deletetion logic
    upCli := action.NewUpgrade(actionConfig)  
    upgradedRel, err := pollAndUpdate(rel.Info.Status, upCli) // see if its better to just run that code here directly :shrug:

// if we still on pending, then delete it
    if upgradedRel.Info.Status.IsPending() {
      unCli := action.NewUninstall(actionConfig)
      res, err := unCli.Run(rel.Name)
      if err != nil {

func pollAndUpdate(originalRel *release.Release, upgradeCli *action.Upgrade) (*release.Release, error) {
    if !originalRel.Info.Status.IsPending() {
        return originalRel, nil
    c := time.Tick(10 * time.Second) // we gonna time it out besides checking repeatedly
    var rel *release.Release = originalRel
    for _ = range c {
         //check the status and try and upgrade
         for rel.Info.Status.IsPending() { // https://pkg.go.dev/helm.sh/helm/[email protected]/pkg/release#Status.IsPending
             // run the upgrade command you have
             // its this function: https://github.com/helm/helm/blob/main/pkg/action/upgrade.go#L111
             rel, err := upgradeCli.Run(/*you gotta get all the values this needs*/)
             if err != nil {
    return rel, nil
like image 184
bjornaer Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 05:11
