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Use Google Drive Directory as Apache Virtual host

I am trying to set up an Apache 2.4 server with my google drive folder. I already did it with Dropbox and it's working fine, but with google drive, Apache can't find the directory.

After some research, I have discovered that the real path of google drive folder is in


but it's all compiled. Is there a way to get the path ?

I have already tried with this KiXtart script :


...which is not working anymore.

like image 673
Dimitri Avatar asked Nov 29 '22 13:11


2 Answers

It is a permissions issue. Right click 'Google Drive' Folder -> Properties -> Security Tab -> Advanced -> Change Permissions... -> Check 'Include inheritable permissions from parent folder'.

like image 51
user1997944 Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 02:12


This is just a permissions issue. Change the permissions of the Google Drive folder to inherit all the permissions of the parent folder, then you're good to go.

like image 42
Reuben Nyahucho Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 04:12

Reuben Nyahucho