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Use foreach() to loop through object and change values



I've got a problem looping trough an object ( stdObject ) and altering a value.

What happens is:

  • a query result comes in the function.
  • It fetches the object to an 'array'
  • After that I need to decode the content inside the object with html_entity_decode() to convert & etc. to readable characters...

Thats what is going wrong. I don't know how to put the converted string back into the object.

Here is the code of this function.

function jsonRequestHandlerUTF8($query) {
    $id = "0";
    $message = errorHandler($id);
    $a_result = array();
    if (mysql_num_rows($query) == 0) {
        //Empty sql query
        $id = '1';
        $a_result = jSONErrorObject($id);
    } else {
        //No error occurred
        $a_result['ExceptionId'] = $id;
        $a_result['ExceptionMessage'] = $message;
        $a_result['Items'] = null;
        while ($my_result = mysql_fetch_object($query)) {
            $a_result['Items'][] = $my_result;

        $test = $a_result['Items'];
        foreach ($test as $v1) {
            foreach ($v1 as $v2) {
                $v2 = html_entity_decode($v2, ENT_QUOTES, "utf-8") . "\n";
// Here should be code to get the $v2 inside the object again.....                
    $a_result = json_encode($a_result);
    return $a_result;

$a_result['Items'] looks like this:

    [0] => stdClass Object
            [idziekmeldingen] => 1
            [meldingID] => 13190
            [title] => Ziekmelding: Alex
            [published] => 2011-05-09
            [updated] => 2011-05-09
            [content] => Per 9-05-2011 heeft Alex zich ziek gemeld.
            [location] => AP
            [institute] => CMI
            [lastCron] => 2011-05-11 11:32:54

    [1] => stdClass Object
            [idziekmeldingen] => 2
            [meldingID] => 12933
            [title] => Ziekmelding: Rimmert
            [published] => 2011-04-26
            [updated] => 2011-04-26
            [content] => Per 26-04-2011 heeft Rimmer zich ziek gemeld.Met vriendelijke groet,Luciënne Plomp
            [location] => AP
            [institute] => CMI
            [lastCron] => 2011-05-11 11:32:54
like image 441
Highmastdon Avatar asked May 12 '11 12:05


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1 Answers

Use the & symbol to pass the variables into the loop by-reference. This will mean you're modifying the actual variable rather than a copy of it.

foreach ($test as &$v1) {
    foreach ($v1 as &$v2) {
        $v2 = html_entity_decode($v2, ENT_QUOTES, "utf-8") . "\n";               

(note, this only works in PHP 5.0 and up.... but if you're still using PHP4, you really need to upgrade!)

like image 96
Spudley Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
