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Use example of Scala ObservableSet Trait

Could anyone help me telling me how to use scala's ObservableSet trait?

Thank you very much in advance

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barroco Avatar asked Dec 28 '22 15:12


1 Answers

ObservableSet is a trait extending from the Publisher trait, giving some basic publish subscribe behaviour. A simple example of using this would be:

scala> class Counter(var count: Int) extends Publisher[String] {
          def inc(): Unit = {
              count += 1
              super.publish("updated count to: " + count)

scala> class S[Evt, Pub] extends Subscriber[Evt, Pub] {
         def notify(pub: Pub, event: Evt): Unit = println("got event: " + event)
defined class S

scala> val s = new S[String, Counter#Pub]     
s: S[String,Counter#Pub] = S@7c27a30c

scala> val c = new Counter(1)
c: Counter = Counter@44ba70c

scala> c.subscribe(s)

scala> c.inc
got event: updated count to: 2

ObservableSet does something similar, it calls the publish method when elements are added or removed with the += or +- method, see the following example (with class S defined as above):

scala> class MySet extends HashSet[Int] with ObservableSet[Int] {       
     override def +=(elem: Int): this.type = super.+=(elem);
     override def -=(elem: Int): this.type = super.-=(elem);
     override def clear: Unit = super.clear;      

defined class MySet

scala> val set = new MySet
set: MySet = Set()

scala> val subS = new S[Any, Any]
subCol: S[Any,Any] = S@3e898802

scala> set.subscribe(subS)

scala> set += 1
got event: Include(NoLo,1)
res: set.type = Set(1)

I've beem lazy by defining S with types Any, but I couldn't get the typing right immediately, and haven't spend too long trying to figure it out.

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Arjan Blokzijl Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 09:01

Arjan Blokzijl