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Use Device Login on Smart TV / Console

I have noticed that Facebook seems to support Device Login with a token / PIN Code instead of user/login to be used on devices like TV or console:


In the search of the dev page I can see there was an article related to this, but at least in Germany that one gives a 404.

Anyone has more information on this?


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bl1ck1 Avatar asked May 31 '13 15:05


3 Answers

i've been researching for that too but unfortunately the facebook device auth is still on experimental and they didn't give new keys (partner) to use the device auth.

You can find the working example here: http://oauth-device-demo.appspot.com/ Just look at the website source and you can have the appID that works with it.

The other one is twitter PIN oauth it's working and publicly available (i'm using it) https://dev.twitter.com/docs/auth/pin-based-authorization

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imkrisna Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 11:10


Facebook login for smarttv/devices without facebook sdk is possible throught code , check the documentation here :


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Nico AD Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10

Nico AD

Implement Login for Devices

Facebook Login for Devices is for devices that directly make HTTP calls over the internet. The following are the API calls and responses your device can make.

1. Enable Login for Devices

Change Settings > Advanced > OAuth Settings > Login from Devices to 'Yes'.

2. Generate a Code which is required for facebook device identification

When the person clicks Log in with Facebook, you device should make an HTTP POST to:

POST https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/device?
       &amp;scope=<COMMA_SEPARATED_PERMISSION_NAMES> // e.g.public_profile,user_likes

The response comes in this form:

  "code": "92a2b2e351f2b0b3503b2de251132f47",
  "user_code": "A1NWZ9",
  "verification_uri": "https://www.facebook.com/device",
  "expires_in": 420,
  "interval": 5

This response means:

  • Display the string “A1NWZ9” on your device
  • Tell the person to go to “facebook.com/device” and enter this code
  • The code expires in 420 seconds. You should cancel the login flow after that time if you do not receive an access token
  • Your device should poll the Device Login API every 5 seconds to see if the authorization has been successful

3. Display the Code

Your device should display the user_code and tell people to visit the verification_uri such as facebook.com/device on their PC or smartphone. See the Design Guidelines.

4. Poll for Authorization

Your device should poll the Device Login API to see if the person successfully authorized your application. You should do this at the interval in the response to your call in Step 1, which is every 5 seconds. Your device should poll to:

POST https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/device?
       &amp;code=<LONG_CODE_FROM_STEP_1> //e.g."92a2b2e351f2b0b3503b2de251132f47"

You will get 200 HTTP code i.e User has successfully authorized the device. The device can now use the access_token value to make authenticated API calls.

5. Confirm Successful Login

Your device should display their name and if available, a profile picture until they click Continue. To get the person's name and profile picture, your device should make a standard Graph API call:

GET https://graph.facebook.com/v2.3/me?


  "name": "John Doe", 
  "picture": {
    "data": {
      "is_silhouette": false, 
      "url": "https://fbcdn.akamaihd.net/hmac...ile.jpg"
  "id": "2023462875238472"

6. Store Access Tokens

Your device should persist the access token to make other requests to the Graph API.

Device Login access tokens may be valid for up to 60 days but may be invalided in a number of scenarios. For example when a person changes their Facebook password their access token is invalidated.

If the token is invalid, your device should delete the token from its memory. The person using your device needs to perform the Device Login flow again from Step 1 to retrieve a new, valid token.

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Somnath Muluk Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10

Somnath Muluk