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Use decorator to add meta data to interface properties

Is it possible to use decorators to mark certain properties of an interface with some custom info?

Best explained with an example:

App state interface:

export interface AppState {
    @persist userData: UserData,
    @persist selectedCompany: UserCompany,

    // userCompanies should not be persisted since they are always
    // fetched afresh from the server...
    userCompanies: UserCompany[]

Method which persists all relevant state info:

persistState(state) {
    let newState = {};

    Object.keys(state).forEach((key) => {
        if (state[key] is decorated with @persist) {
            newState[key] = state[key];

    // Persist newState...

Is this possible?
If so, I'd really appreciate some resources to point me in the right direction!
If not, are there any elegant alternatives?

like image 482
suamikim Avatar asked Mar 09 '17 15:03


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1 Answers

Is it possible to use decorators to mark certain properties of an interface with some custom info

No. Interfaces cannot be used with decorators as decorators work on top of things that actually exist at runtime. (Interfaces are erased).

like image 170
basarat Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 15:10
