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Use common JS libs inside sandboxed iframes

I plan to build a module system for my webapp that uses sandboxed iframes and the postMessage API to securely run custom user modules. The iframe blocks all DOM access and should only communicate through an interface provided by me which checks some permissions and provides data.

The system itself is very simple and works fine with vanilla js code inside the modules, however I want to allow developers to use common frameworks/libs to ease development, i.e. by using Vue for data binding.

What is the best way to provide such functionality to the modules? Performance is a huge factor since several dozens of such modules might run at the same time. Is it secure to let sandboxed modules share libs?

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Stefan Blamberg Avatar asked Aug 19 '18 17:08

Stefan Blamberg

Video Answer

1 Answers

Good advice: Unfortunately, iframe sandboxing goes both ways. In general (with a few exceptions: mainly postMessage and pages that satisfy the same-origin policy), an iframe is effectively a separate webpage and cannot be accessed from the host page, and vice-versa. It's probably a better alternative to just request that the individual developers use lightweight libraries.

Bad advice: If you hosted the other devs' files yourself, they could access each other, but having stuff accessible between iframes in this way is certainly not ideal- and doing it this way is a really bad idea, as it exposes you to all sorts of scripting-related attacks; not to mention the fact that the separate iframes would probably accidentally interfere with one another in unexpected ways if you shared Javascript variables between them. Don't do it this way unless you explicitly trust every single developer here to behave properly and code well (i.e. you're in the same workplace). Actually, just don't do it this way at all.

If you really really want to do this, though: an iframe whose target is hosted on the same website can access its parent page through the global variable parent (i.e. parent in an iframe is the same as window in the host, parent.$ would be the parent's jQuery object, and parent.document.getElementById is the same as document.getElementById). A parent page can access its same-origin iframes with document.getElementById("the id of the iframe").contentWindow (and .contentWindow.document, etc. will work here too), but again, if you hosted the code of potentially-malicious developers on your page to get around the same-origin policy, you'd be giving these developers access to your page and any information, including passwords, that your users type on it.

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SliceThePi Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 15:09
