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Use cases for using AngularJS and JQuery

I'm a JQuery programmer looking to get into using AngularJS for my next project. After reading this excellent answer about how to "think in Angular" instead of including and using JQuery, I wonder what good use cases exist for using JQuery + Angular. I'd like to bring some small amount of familiarity to my Angular programming.

Quoting from the Stackoverflow post:

"The bottom line is this: when solutioning, first "think in AngularJS"; if you can't think of a solution, ask the community; if after all of that there is no easy solution, then feel free to reach for the jQuery"

When should I reach for JQuery?

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arcdegree Avatar asked Feb 25 '13 23:02


People also ask

When would you use AngularJS vs jQuery?

Angular Vs jQuery: Key Differences Between Angular And JQuery. It is used for creating single-page applications. jQuery is a Javascript-based library that is primarily used for DOM manipulation whereas Angular is a front-end development framework that is used for creating single-page applications.

Can we use jQuery and AngularJS together?

You can use JQuery together with AngularJS. AngularJS also have a lightweight version JQLite which contains all the JQuery functionality the AngularJS project needs.

Is it good to use jQuery in Angular?

You should never include jQuery in an AngularJS app. Doing so is bad practice.

Why do we need jQuery in AngularJS?

You should not use jQuery on the top of the AngularJS, because AngularJS digest cycle wont run if we do any angular DOM manipulation or scope variable manipulation using JQuery. You need first search angular-ui-bootstrap site because they had covered most of the UI component which has already converted to angular.

1 Answers

AngularJS is a complex framework with a moderate to steep learning curve. JQuery is not a framework but a library. If you are looking to build a single page app especially a CRUD app then AngularJS is a good fit as it will offer two way data binding, routing (important for single page apps), plus many other features out the box.

It uses jQlite a subset of jQuery, but it is opinionated about how apps are built, this means you need a solid understanding of how it works, you will need to understand controllers, services and directives and why you should only update the DOM in directives.

Single page apps can be done using jQuery alone but you will have to manage the framework side of things yourself.

If you include jQuery before AngularJS it will substituted for jQlite, to get to grips with the fundamentals, and thus arm yourself with knowledge to make decisions on its use, have a look at these excellent videos at egghead.io.

When to reach for jQuery

You reach for jQuery when you cannot do something the Angular way, this is often when you are at the boundary of the framework.


An example of this is Angular doesn't have a way to disable items in a select element. You would reach for jQuery here to listen for a change event on the select and manipulate the UI yourself from a directive. See update below.

If you are using a third party library for example, you may need to trigger an event using jQuery and pick it up in the third party code or elsewhere. Here you will find jQuery or something like pubsub invaluable.


Regarding the routing capabilities, I strongly recommend the excellent UI-Router instead of the out of the box router.


Angular 1.4 now has support for disabling options in a select element.

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Neil Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 09:10
