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Use cases for the 'setdefault' dict method

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What is the use of Setdefault method in dictionary?

The setdefault() method returns the value of a key (if the key is in dictionary). If not, it inserts key with a value to the dictionary.

What is the use of dict method?

The dict() method creates a dictionary object from the specified keys and values, or iterables of keys and values or mapping objects.

How do you use Setdefault in a dictionary in Python?

Python Dictionary | setdefault() method Parameters: It takes two parameters: key – Key to be searched in the dictionary. default_value (optional) – Key with a value default_value is inserted to the dictionary if key is not in the dictionary. If not provided, the default_value will be None.

What are the differences between the GET and Setdefault methods?

The get the method allows you to avoid getting a KeyError when the key doesn't exist however setdefault the method allows set default values when the key doesn't exist.

You could say defaultdict is useful for settings defaults before filling the dict and setdefault is useful for setting defaults while or after filling the dict.

Probably the most common use case: Grouping items (in unsorted data, else use itertools.groupby)

# really verbose
new = {}
for (key, value) in data:
    if key in new:
        new[key].append( value )
        new[key] = [value]

# easy with setdefault
new = {}
for (key, value) in data:
    group = new.setdefault(key, []) # key might exist already
    group.append( value )

# even simpler with defaultdict 
from collections import defaultdict
new = defaultdict(list)
for (key, value) in data:
    new[key].append( value ) # all keys have a default already

Sometimes you want to make sure that specific keys exist after creating a dict. defaultdict doesn't work in this case, because it only creates keys on explicit access. Think you use something HTTP-ish with many headers -- some are optional, but you want defaults for them:

headers = parse_headers( msg ) # parse the message, get a dict
# now add all the optional headers
for headername, defaultvalue in optional_headers:
    headers.setdefault( headername, defaultvalue )

I commonly use setdefault for keyword argument dicts, such as in this function:

def notify(self, level, *pargs, **kwargs):
    kwargs.setdefault("persist", level >= DANGER)
    self.__defcon.set(level, **kwargs)
        kwargs.setdefault("name", self.client.player_entity().name)
    except pytibia.PlayerEntityNotFound:
    return _notify(level, *pargs, **kwargs)

It's great for tweaking arguments in wrappers around functions that take keyword arguments.

defaultdict is great when the default value is static, like a new list, but not so much if it's dynamic.

For example, I need a dictionary to map strings to unique ints. defaultdict(int) will always use 0 for the default value. Likewise, defaultdict(intGen()) always produces 1.

Instead, I used a regular dict:

nextID = intGen()
myDict = {}
for lots of complicated stuff:
    #stuff that generates unpredictable, possibly already seen str
    strID = myDict.setdefault(myStr, nextID())

Note that dict.get(key, nextID()) is insufficient because I need to be able to refer to these values later as well.

intGen is a tiny class I build that automatically increments an int and returns its value:

class intGen:
    def __init__(self):
        self.i = 0

    def __call__(self):
        self.i += 1
    return self.i

If someone has a way to do this with defaultdict I'd love to see it.

As most answers state setdefault or defaultdict would let you set a default value when a key doesn't exist. However, I would like to point out a small caveat with regard to the use cases of setdefault. When the Python interpreter executes setdefaultit will always evaluate the second argument to the function even if the key exists in the dictionary. For example:

In: d = {1:5, 2:6}

In: d
Out: {1: 5, 2: 6}

In: d.setdefault(2, 0)
Out: 6

In: d.setdefault(2, print('test'))
Out: 6

As you can see, print was also executed even though 2 already existed in the dictionary. This becomes particularly important if you are planning to use setdefault for example for an optimization like memoization. If you add a recursive function call as the second argument to setdefault, you wouldn't get any performance out of it as Python would always be calling the function recursively.

Since memoization was mentioned, a better alternative is to use functools.lru_cache decorator if you consider enhancing a function with memoization. lru_cache handles the caching requirements for a recursive function better.

I use setdefault() when I want a default value in an OrderedDict. There isn't a standard Python collection that does both, but there are ways to implement such a collection.

As Muhammad said, there are situations in which you only sometimes wish to set a default value. A great example of this is a data structure which is first populated, then queried.

Consider a trie. When adding a word, if a subnode is needed but not present, it must be created to extend the trie. When querying for the presence of a word, a missing subnode indicates that the word is not present and it should not be created.

A defaultdict cannot do this. Instead, a regular dict with the get and setdefault methods must be used.

Theoretically speaking, setdefault would still be handy if you sometimes want to set a default and sometimes not. In real life, I haven't come across such a use case.

However, an interesting use case comes up from the standard library (Python 2.6, _threadinglocal.py):

>>> mydata = local()
>>> mydata.__dict__
{'number': 42}
>>> mydata.__dict__.setdefault('widgets', [])
>>> mydata.widgets

I would say that using __dict__.setdefault is a pretty useful case.

Edit: As it happens, this is the only example in the standard library and it is in a comment. So may be it is not enough of a case to justify the existence of setdefault. Still, here is an explanation:

Objects store their attributes in the __dict__ attribute. As it happens, the __dict__ attribute is writeable at any time after the object creation. It is also a dictionary not a defaultdict. It is not sensible for objects in the general case to have __dict__ as a defaultdict because that would make each object having all legal identifiers as attributes. So I can't foresee any change to Python objects getting rid of __dict__.setdefault, apart from deleting it altogether if it was deemed not useful.