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Use case for Neovim terminal mode inside tmux session



Now that we have terminal mode in neovim, I am wondering if there is still a use case for tmux. Let's say that I need to work on a remote machine using SSH. In order to keep a persistent vim session, I would launch a tmux session on the remote machine, start neovim and create as many terminal windows as needed. I don't need to use the windowing mechanism of tmux anymore. Are there any use cases that neovim terminal mode cannot satisfy?

like image 742
Kannan Avatar asked Jun 20 '15 04:06


1 Answers

tmux provides session management. For example, you can create multiple sessions and then detach/re-attach as you please. With terminal emulation in neovim, the shell is killed when the terminal buffer is closed. So, there's still a use-case for it, however, the primary use case with regards to vim + tmux has been eliminated with terminal emulation.

like image 189
w.brian Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 12:01
