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Use boolean attribute helper methods when extending from Virtus.model on the fly

Let's say I have a Virtus model User with a boolean attribute active:

class User
  include Virtus.model 
  attribute :active, Boolean, default: false, lazy: true

Then I could user a helper method active?:

User.new.active? # => false
User.new(active: true).active? # => true

But when I try to extend from Virtus.model and define a boolean attribute on the fly:

class User; end
user = User.new
user.attribute(:active, Axiom::Types::Boolean, default: false, lazy: true)
user.active = true

and use a helper method active? I get a NoMethodError kinda exception.

user.active? # => NoMethodError: undefined method `active?' for

Is there any possibility of using helper methods in this situation?

like image 219
potashin Avatar asked May 15 '17 10:05


1 Answers

Most probably there is another gem in your project that defines a top-level Boolean class and it clashes with the Boolean attribute methods. Mongoid, for example, is known to do that. In such case, the Virtus README suggests using the Axiom::Types::Boolean type of the attribute instead.

However, when I tried this, it didn't help. I believe the README is actually wrong, the correct type being noted in the Issue #234 comment: Virtus::Attribute::Boolean.

A complete working example:

class User; end
user = User.new
               Virtus::Attribute::Boolean,   # <- note the type
               default: false, lazy: true)
user.active = true
#=> true 
like image 103
Matouš Borák Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 00:10

Matouš Borák