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Use @ClassRule in Kotlin




In JUnit you can use @ClassRule to annotate an static field. How can I do this in Kotlin?

I tried:

object companion {
    @ClassRule @JvmStatic
    val managedMongoDb = ...    


object companion {
    @ClassRule @JvmField
    val managedMongoDb = ...    

but none of the last works because rule isn't executed.

I double checked that exactly same rule works fine without static context:

@Rule @JvmField
val managedMongoDb = ...
like image 735
lujop Avatar asked Mar 05 '16 22:03


1 Answers

You are not using companion objects correctly. You are declaring an object (single instance of a class) called companion instead of creating a companion object inside of a class. And therefore the static fields are not created correctly.

class TestClass {
    companion object { ... }

Is very different than:

class TestClass { 
    object companion { ... } // this is an object declaration, not a companion object

Although both are valid code.

Here is a correct working example of using @ClassRule, tested in Kotlin 1.0.0:

class TestWithRule {
    companion object {
        @ClassRule @JvmField
        val resource: ExternalResource = object : ExternalResource() {
            override fun before() {
                println("ClassRule Before")

            override fun after() {
                println("ClassRule After")

    @Test fun testSomething() {

This outputs:

ClassRule Before
ClassRule After

like image 124
2 revs Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10

2 revs