I want to improve the accuracy of my indoor positioning framework and therefore apply the kalmanfilter. I found that the apache commons math library supports Kalmanfilter so I tried to use it and followed the tutorials: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-math/userguide/filter.html I think I got the matrices setup correctly for 2D positioning while the state consists of the position and velocity. My Problem lies in the Method estimatePosition(). How do I get the correct pNoise and mNoise variable? And why must i specify them. I thought this is what the Q and R matrices are for... I appreaciate every help!
public class Kalman {
//A - state transition matrix
private RealMatrix A;
//B - control input matrix
private RealMatrix B;
//H - measurement matrix
private RealMatrix H;
//Q - process noise covariance matrix (error in the process)
private RealMatrix Q;
//R - measurement noise covariance matrix (error in the measurement)
private RealMatrix R;
//PO - error covariance matrix
private RealMatrix PO;
//x state
private RealVector x;
// discrete time interval (100ms) between to steps
private final double dt = 0.1d;
// position measurement noise (10 meter)
private final double measurementNoise = 10d;
// acceleration noise (meter/sec^2)
private final double accelNoise = 0.2d;
// constant control input, increase velocity by 0.1 m/s per cycle [vX, vY]
private RealVector u = new ArrayRealVector(new double[] { 0.1d, 0.1d });
private RealVector tmpPNoise = new ArrayRealVector(new double[] { Math.pow(dt, 2d) / 2d, dt });
private RealVector mNoise = new ArrayRealVector(1);
private KalmanFilter filter;
public Kalman(){
//A and B describe the physic model of the user moving specified as matrices
A = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[][] {
{ 1d, 0d, dt, 0d },
{ 0d, 1d, 0d, dt },
{ 0d, 0d, 1d, 0d },
{ 0d, 0d, 0d, 1d }
B = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[][] {
{ Math.pow(dt, 2d) / 2d },
{ Math.pow(dt, 2d) / 2d },
{ dt},
{ dt }
//only observe first 2 values - the position coordinates
H = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[][] {
{ 1d, 0d, 0d, 0d },
{ 0d, 1d, 0d, 0d },
Q = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[][] {
{ Math.pow(dt, 4d)/4d, 0d, Math.pow(dt, 3d)/2d, 0d },
{ 0d, Math.pow(dt, 4d)/4d, 0d, Math.pow(dt, 3d)/2d },
{ Math.pow(dt, 3d)/2d, 0d, Math.pow(dt, 2d), 0d },
{ 0d, Math.pow(dt, 3d)/2d, 0d, Math.pow(dt, 2d) }
R = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[][] {
{ Math.pow(measurementNoise, 2d), 0d },
{ 0d, Math.pow(measurementNoise, 2d) }
/*PO = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[][] {
{ 1d, 1d, 1d, 1d },
{ 1d, 1d, 1d, 1d },
{ 1d, 1d, 1d, 1d },
{ 1d, 1d, 1d, 1d }
// x = [ 0 0 0 0] state consists of position and velocity[pX, pY, vX, vY]
//TODO: inititate with map center?
x = new ArrayRealVector(new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 });
ProcessModel pm = new DefaultProcessModel(A, B, Q, x, PO);
MeasurementModel mm = new DefaultMeasurementModel(H, R);
filter = new KalmanFilter(pm, mm);
* Use Kalmanfilter to decrease measurement errors
* @param position
* @return
public Position<Euclidean2D> esimatePosition(Position<Euclidean2D> position){
RandomGenerator rand = new JDKRandomGenerator();
double[] pos = position.toArray();
// predict the state estimate one time-step ahead
// noise of the process
RealVector pNoise = tmpPNoise.mapMultiply(accelNoise * pos[0]);
// x = A * x + B * u + pNoise (state prediction)
x = A.operate(x).add(B.operate(u)).add(pNoise);
// noise of the measurement
mNoise.setEntry(0, measurementNoise * rand.nextGaussian());
// z = H * x + m_noise (measurement prediction)
RealVector z = H.operate(x).add(mNoise);
// correct the state estimate with the latest measurement
//get the corrected state - the position
double pX = filter.getStateEstimation()[0];
double pY = filter.getStateEstimation()[1];
return new Position2D(pX, pY);
A 2D Kalman Filter is designed to track a moving target.
Kalman filtering (KF) [5] is widely used to track moving objects, with which we can estimate the velocity and even acceleration of an object with the measurement of its locations. However, the accuracy of KF is dependent on the assumption of linear motion for any object to be tracked.
Kalman filters are used to optimally estimate the variables of interests when they can't be measured directly, but an indirect measurement is available. They are also used to find the best estimate of states by combining measurements from various sensors in the presence of noise.
The Kalman filter is a tool for estimating the state of a stochastic linear dynamic system using measured data corrupted by noise. The estimate produced by the Kalman filter is statistically optimal in some sense (for example it minimizes the mean square error, see [25] for more details).
Those are part of their example simulation. They're generating test data by adding Gaussian noise (as pNoise
and mNoise
) to simulate real world conditions. In a real application you wouldn't add any noise to your real measurements.
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