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Usage on Patindex() function

I am using patindex for pattern search of "MD" or "DO". The below statement returns 3. Am I using it in the wrong way or is there another way of checking condition?

select PATINDEX ('%[MD,DO]%','FHoisegh MD')
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Shine Avatar asked Sep 15 '11 06:09


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The PATINDEX() function in the SQL server is used to return the starting index of the first occurrence of a pattern in a string or a specified expression. It returns zero if the pattern is not found. It returns NULL if either pattern or expression is NULL.

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3 Answers

select T.Value
from (values
        (charindex('MD', 'FHoisegh MD')),
        (charindex('DO', 'FHoisegh MD'))
     ) as T(Value)
where T.Value > 0
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Mikael Eriksson Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Mikael Eriksson

select PATINDEX ('%[MD][DO]%','FHoisegh MD')  -- returns 10

As you have it in your question, it is looking for any of the 5 characters between the square brackets, and finds 'o' at position 3. For example,

select PATINDEX ('%[MD,DO]%','F,Hoisegh MD')  -- returns 2

As @Filip De Vos pointed out, '%[MD][DO]%' will also match MO. The only way I can think of to handle this would be to subtract out the index for MO:

select PATINDEX ('%[MD][DO]%','FHoisegh MO') - PATINDEX('%MO%', 'FHoisegh MO') -- returns 0

If MD and DO are the only terms you'll be searching for, this might suffice. For anything else, I'd say look for other ways to do it.

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Jeff Ogata Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Jeff Ogata

With a combination of PATINDEX/CHARINDEX, NULLIF & ISNULL functions you can get the desired result:

DECLARE @text VARCHAR(100) = 'FHoisegh MXD';

If you search for three or more values (ex. DO / RE / MI) instead of ISNULL function can be used COALESCE function:

DECLARE @text VARCHAR(100) = 'abcMODOKO';
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Bogdan Sahlean Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Bogdan Sahlean