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Usage of Task.WhenAll with infinite Tasks produced by BlockingCollection

I am adding Background Tasks to a Blocking Collection (added in the Background).

I am waiting with Task.WhenAll on a Enumerable returned by GetConsumingEnumerable.

My question is: Is the overload of Task.WhenAll which receives an IEnumerable "prepared" to potentially receive an endless amount of tasks?

I am simply not sure if i can do it this way or if it was meant to be used this way?

private async Task RunAsync(TimeSpan delay, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    using (BlockingCollection<Task> jobcollection = new BlockingCollection<Task>())
        Task addingTask = Task.Run(async () =>
            while (true)
                DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
                var jobs = Repository.GetAllJobs();
                foreach (var job in GetRootJobsDue(jobs, utcNow))
                    jobcollection.Add(Task.Run(() => RunJob(job, jobs, cancellationToken, utcNow), cancellationToken), cancellationToken);

                await Task.Delay(delay, cancellationToken);
        }, cancellationToken);

        await Task.WhenAll(jobcollection.GetConsumingEnumerable(cancellationToken));
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rudimenter Avatar asked Aug 25 '14 14:08


People also ask

What is the use of task WhenAll?

WhenAll(Task[])Creates a task that will complete when all of the Task objects in an array have completed.

What is the difference between task WaitAll and task WhenAll?

The Task. WaitAll blocks the current thread until all other tasks have completed execution. The Task. WhenAll method is used to create a task that will complete if and only if all the other tasks have completed.

Can you tell difference between task WhenAll and task WhenAny?

WhenAll returns control after all tasks are completed, while WhenAny returns control as soon as a single task is completed.

Does task WhenAll start the tasks?

WhenAll creates a task that will complete when all of the supplied tasks have been completed. It's pretty straightforward what this method does, it simply receives a list of Tasks and returns a Task when all of the received Tasks completes.

2 Answers

Since your goal is merely to wait until the cancellation token is cancelled, you should do that. For reasons others have explained, using WhenAll on an infinite sequence of tasks isn't the way to go about that. There are easier ways to get a task that will never complete.

await new TaskCompletionSource<bool>().Task
    .ContinueWith(t => { }, cancellationToken);
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Servy Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09


Task.WhenAll will not work with an infinite number of tasks. It will first (synchronously) wait for the enumerable to finish, and then (asynchronously) wait for them all to complete.

If you want to react to a sequence in an asynchronous way, then you need to use IObservable<Task> (Reactive Extensions). You can use a TPL Dataflow BufferBlock as a "queue" that can work with either synchronous or asynchronous code, and is easily convertible to IObservable<Task>.

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Stephen Cleary Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Stephen Cleary