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Url.Action alternate in razor page view model class

What can be used to get the URL of the page which is in this path of the project <website>/Pages/Account/Logout.cshtml

This is using view model razor pages and not mvc controller/action

When I use Url.Action("/Account/Logout", new { logoutId = ogoutId }); it says cannot resolve action /Account/Logout

like image 328
Umair Avatar asked Dec 11 '18 22:12


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Yes, there is a difference. Html. ActionLink generates an <a href=".."></a> tag whereas Url. Action returns only an url.

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Action method only creates the url not the complete hyperlink, to create hyperlink we need to use Html. ActionLink covered next. To access these querystring values in the action method, we can use Request.QueryString like below. CONTROLLER ACTION METHOD public ActionResult Index() { string com = Request.

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1 Answers

In Razor Pages, you could use @Url.Page.

<a href="@Url.Page("/Account/Logout",new { logoutId = 1 })">Logout</a>

Or use asp-page directly,see more usage here.

<a asp-page="/Account/Logout" asp-route-logoutId ="1">Logout</a>
like image 154
Ryan Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 10:10
