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Url encoding for query params in Ember.js


I am using Ember.js, version 1.7.0-beta.1, in my latest project. I use the query params feature to make a list survive a hard refresh (e.g. after a reload, the selected items in the list are still selected).

I got a controller whom manages that:

export default Ember.ObjectController.extend({
    queryParams: [{selectedFiles: 'files'}],
    selectedFiles: Ember.A([]), //list of file ids

    ... //other props

    actions: {
    selectFile: function(file) {
        //set or remove the file id to the selectedFiles property

It works awesome, but with one condition: the url is url-encoded:

Chrome & IE:


FF (automaticly sets the brackets):


Is there a way in Ember to decode the query-param-string to a more readible format? Maybe I could use the decodeURIComponent() function somewhere?

The desired output:
