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URL encoded colon resolves in 400 Bad Request

Why does this url resolve in 400 - Bad Request?


My environment is Visual Studio 2010, MVC 4 and the controller used is a WebApiController.

The %3A is an URL-encoded colon.


This works for some reason:


... which means, I couldn't specify this route in global.asax.cs:


... nor this ...


... but this ...


For further information: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ExperimentsInWackinessAllowingPercentsAnglebracketsAndOtherNaughtyThingsInTheASPNETIISRequestURL.aspx

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Bridget the Midget Avatar asked Apr 08 '12 20:04

Bridget the Midget

1 Answers

It seems that ASP.net does not allow colons before the '?' in an URL, even if it is encoded as %3A.

For example, these won't work

http://foo.org/api/persons/foo:bar http://foo.org/api/persons/foo%3abar

But this works: http://foo.org/api/persons?id=foo%3abar

In all examples, we would expect ASP.NET MVC to pass "foo:bar" as an id argument, properly decoded. I just tested this with MVC4 and it seems to work. It is annoying that it doesn't accept the URL encoding before the question mark though, but I'm sure there is a good reason for it. Probably to keep everything before the question mark a valid URL and any arguments after the question mark.

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angularsen Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09
