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url design for RESTful services




I have a resource called Pricing which i want to retrieve. An Offer can have pricing and a Promo can have Pricing resource and there is another entity Customer with which Pricing can be mapped. I want to retrieve Pricing based on either one of OfferId/PromoId/CustomerId.

To design the URLs for this, i'm running into two options:

Option 1: Pass it as query string


Option 2: Have three APIs


IMO, OfferId/PromoId/CustomerId should be treated as attribute of the resource. Therefore pass attribute as query string.I'm more inclined towards Option 1.

Option 2 avoids if else condition to retrieve the resource and looks much cleaner but does it seems to be supporting REST standard of URL design?

What's the REST standard to design the URL. Which option would you recommend?

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Pankaj Avatar asked Sep 25 '13 22:09


2 Answers

I prefer the Option 1.
The Option 2 has the following defects:

  1. it may confuse users. for instance, /pricing/offer/234 seems to represent an Offer resource, not a Pricing resource.
  2. in business logic, an Offer resource contains a Pricing, but /pricing/offer/234 represent right on the contrary way. It seems like a Pricing resource contains an Offer resource.

Actually, the Option 1, has some problems too. for example,


will get three Pricings, right? It seems


is more reasonable.

Another option you can think about is Option 3:


hope it helpful.

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Freedom Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 09:10


The way that would be most clean and follows standard pathing would be:


With the layout being: /pricing/${offer|promo|customer|/${PathParamForId}

Which you could then do as three separate methods one each for offer/promo/customer.

Then you just have to make sure your API is well documented so users know the expected behaviors for the paths. (Difference between offer vs promo lookup and etc.)

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Welsh Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 09:10
