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Uploaded Photo with iPad is rotate [closed]

I need a PHP script to rotate my uploaded images on server with iPad. I have a problem with orientation of image and exif data. I try maybe a 10 solutions and don't have a solution. When the "button" is on the right side, the uploaded image was OK, but if I rotate iPad then i images rotate and i can't display them normaly..Any help ?

like image 753
mare23 Avatar asked Apr 10 '13 19:04


People also ask

Why does my picture turn sideways when I upload it?

Photos taken on smartphones, tablets and some cameras can look great on your device but appear upside down or sideways when uploaded to a post or page because the device stores the image's orientation in the EXIF metadata and not all software is able to read the metadata.

How do I stop my pictures from rotating when I upload them?

To fix the EXIF orientation, open the image in your image editing program. Rotate the image to the correct orientation, then save the file and reupload your image. As an alternative, you can simply remove all EXIF data from images in Windows and macOS.

How do I get the picture on my iPad to rotate?

Make sure that Rotation Lock is off: Swipe down from the top-right corner of your screen to open Control Center. Then tap the Rotation Lock button to make sure it's off.

Why are my pictures upside down when I upload them?

Images might display sideways or upside down after uploading them to your website thanks to the picture being taken on a phone or camera that is in landscape mode. While most image viewers will automatically rotate the image to the correct orientation when viewing it, most internet browsers do not.

1 Answers

Here you go, i decided to have a play since i had a spare 30 minutes to kill


Just pass the file path into the fix_orientation function, and it should work (check the code and function comments, you will probably want to edit how it finally saves the image such as the name or whatever)

And for those that just want the code or github dies, heres the main function file for you

 * PHP Orientation Fix (GD) v1.0.0
 * https://github.com/leesherwood/Orientation-Fix-PHP
 * Copyright 2013, "leesherwood" Lee Sherwood
 * Licensed under the MIT license:
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT
 * AKA: I couldn't care less what you do with it, 
 *      im just a nice guy and i want to share.
 *      But it would be nice if you left me a little credit :)
 * If you use this, then let me know at: [email protected]

 * The main function that does the actual job
 * Pass a string representing the image path and filename such as /var/www/images/image.jpg
 * And it will change the name of the image to include "orig." (for the sake of not deleting your image if something goes wrong)
 * and then create a new image with the same filename, with the orientation fixed
 * The return bool is not informative and should only be used to to tell your script that there is a proper orientated image available (or not)
 * If you want to know why it failed (theres many reason) then you need to make the return values for informative, or use exceptions.     
 * @param string the path to the file including the file iteself (absolute path would be advised)
 * @return bool true if successful, false if not
function fix_orientation($fileandpath) {

  // Does the file exist to start with?
    return false;

  // Get all the exif data from the file
  $exif = read_exif_data($fileandpath, 'IFD0');

  // If we dont get any exif data at all, then we may as well stop now
  if(!$exif || !is_array($exif))
    return false;

  // I hate case juggling, so we're using loweercase throughout just in case
  $exif = array_change_key_case($exif, CASE_LOWER);

  // If theres no orientation key, then we can give up, the camera hasn't told us the 
  // orientation of itself when taking the image, and i'm not writing a script to guess at it!
  if(!array_key_exists('orientation', $exif)) 
    return false;

  // Gets the GD image resource for loaded image
  $img_res = get_image_resource($fileandpath);

  // If it failed to load a resource, give up
    return false;

  // The meat of the script really, the orientation is supplied as an integer, 
  // so we just rotate/flip it back to the correct orientation based on what we 
  // are told it currently is 
  switch($exif['orientation']) {

    // Standard/Normal Orientation (no need to do anything, we'll return true as in theory, it was successful)
    case 1: return true; break;

    // Correct orientation, but flipped on the horizontal axis (might do it at some point in the future)
    case 2: 
      $final_img = imageflip($img_res, IMG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL);

    // Upside-Down
    case 3: 
      $final_img = imageflip($img_res, IMG_FLIP_VERTICAL);

    // Upside-Down & Flipped along horizontal axis
    case 4:  
      $final_img = imageflip($img_res, IMG_FLIP_BOTH);

    // Turned 90 deg to the left and flipped
    case 5:  
      $final_img = imagerotate($img_res, -90, 0);
      $final_img = imageflip($img_res, IMG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL);

    // Turned 90 deg to the left
    case 6: 
      $final_img = imagerotate($img_res, -90, 0);

    // Turned 90 deg to the right and flipped
    case 7: 
      $final_img = imagerotate($img_res, 90, 0);
      $final_img = imageflip($img_res,IMG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL);

    // Turned 90 deg to the right
    case 8: 
      $final_img = imagerotate($img_res, 90, 0); 


  // If theres no final image resource to output for whatever reason, give up
    return false;

  //-- rename original (very ugly, could probably be rewritten, but i can't be arsed at this stage)
  $parts = explode("/", $fileandpath);
  $oldname = array_pop($parts);
  $path = implode('/', $parts);
  $oldname_parts = explode(".", $oldname);
  $ext = array_pop($oldname_parts);
  $newname = implode('.', $oldname_parts).'.orig.'.$ext;

  rename($fileandpath, $path.'/'.$newname);

  // Save it and the return the result (true or false)
  $done = save_image_resource($final_img,$fileandpath);

  return $done;


 * Simple function which takes the filepath, grabs the extension and returns the GD resource for it
 * Not fool-proof nor the best, but it does the job for now 
function get_image_resource($file) {

    $img = null;
    $p = explode(".", strtolower($file));
    $ext = array_pop($p);
    switch($ext) {

      case "png":
        $img = imagecreatefrompng($file);

      case "jpg":
      case "jpeg":
        $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
      case "gif":
        $img = imagecreatefromgif($file);


    return $img;


 * Saves the final image resource to the given location
 * As above it works out the extension and bases its output command on that, not fool proof, but works nonetheless
function save_image_resource($resource, $location) {

    $success = false;
    $p = explode(".", strtolower($location));
    $ext = array_pop($p);
    switch($ext) {

      case "png":
        $success = imagepng($resource,$location);

      case "jpg":
      case "jpeg":
        $success = imagejpeg($resource,$location);
      case "gif":
        $success = imagegif($resource,$location);


    return $success;


 * My Dev environment is not the latest on this machine. which is lucky as i never bothered to check if imageflip needed a specific version
 * ( been using imagerotate for ages and assumed imageflip would surely be included to )
 * But as it turns out, you need a fairly recent version of PHP for imageflip, so i cobbled together a quick replacement function for those that don't have it
if(!function_exists('imageflip')) {

  // These are the same constants so this script should be upgrade safe, the values are different no doubt, but that won't hurt!
  define("IMG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL", 1);
  define("IMG_FLIP_VERTICAL", 2);
  define("IMG_FLIP_BOTH", 3);

   * Simple function that takes a gd image resource and the flip mode, and uses rotate 180 instead to do the same thing... Simples!
  function imageflip($resource, $mode) {

      if($mode == IMG_FLIP_VERTICAL || $mode == IMG_FLIP_BOTH)
        $resource = imagerotate($resource, 180, 0);

      if($mode == IMG_FLIP_HORIZONTAL || $mode == IMG_FLIP_BOTH)
        $resource = imagerotate($resource, 90, 0);

      return $resource;



like image 76
Lee Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
