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upload to google cloud storage signed url with javascript

With the following code I'm able to upload to my publicly writable bucket in google cloud storage. (allUsers has write permission). However If the bucket isn't publicly writable then I get a 401 unauthorised error. (I don't want the bucket to be publicly writable).

var file = $scope.myFile;
      var fileData = file;
      var boundary = '-------314159265358979323846';
      var delimiter = "\r\n--" + boundary + "\r\n";
      var close_delim = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--";

      var reader = new FileReader();
      reader.onload = function(e) {
        var contentType = fileData.type || 'application/octet-stream';
        var metadata = {
          'name': 'objectName', //'lol' + fileData.name,
          'mimeType': contentType

        var base64Data = btoa(reader.result);
        var multipartRequestBody =
          delimiter +
          'Content-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n' +
          JSON.stringify(metadata) +
          delimiter +
          'Content-Type: ' + contentType + '\r\n' +
          'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n' +
          '\r\n' +
          base64Data +
        var stuff = angular.fromJson('{"Expires": "1415344534", "GoogleAccessId": "394062384276-n2jjh17vt975fsi4nc9ikm1nj55466ir@developer.gserviceaccount.com", "Signature": "AMkhO7mt2zg+s1Dzx28yQIMSrZlDC2Xx1SzvMCAgUVyiLXs5890/nA6PKzoc1KYBcRv/ALmkNaEVhvWHxE0EfcE151c0PYSG9x7AeSpQI/3dB1UPcSqpwilS1e2sgwB9piLNvBEXLNRXiLYyTiH22zkFZHAEQonJ3J25a47fwo4="}');
        var Expires = stuff.Expires;
        var GoogleAccessId = stuff.GoogleAccessId;
        var Signature = encodeURIComponent(stuff.Signature);
        var BUCKET = 'mybucket';
        var request = $window.gapi.client.request({
          'path': '/upload/storage/v1/b/' + BUCKET + '/o',
          'method': 'POST',
          'params': {
            'uploadType': 'multipart',
            'Expires': Expires,
            'GoogleAccessId': GoogleAccessId,
            'Signature': Signature
          'headers': {
            'Content-Type': 'multipart/mixed; boundary="' + boundary + '"'
          'body': multipartRequestBody});

        request.execute(function(r) {

Is it possible to use signed URLS with the gapi javascript client? Or does it not understand the params.

If not - are there any examples of doing CORS with the JSON api from javascript for upload with signed urls?

(lets assume that my expiry, GoogleAccessId & Signature are correct & match what i'm doing in the javascript & the permissions i've set up on the bucket)

basically are there any examples of uploading to google cloud storage from javascript client from localhost without requiring the user to have a google account & without using a publicly writable bucket but using dispensed signed urls?

like image 255
robert king Avatar asked Nov 07 '14 10:11

robert king

People also ask

Can I upload files to Google Cloud Storage from URL?

Solution OverviewShipyard helps you download a file from any publicly accessible URL and upload it directly to Google Cloud Storage for usage at a later time.

How do I get a signed URL for Google Cloud Storage?

Options for generating a signed URL Simply specify Cloud Storage resources, point to the host storage.googleapis.com , and use Google HMAC credentials in the process of generating the signed URL.

What is the difference between CloudFront signed URL and S3 signed URL?

Both S3 and CloudFront have URL signing features that work differently. However, only S3 refers to them as Pre-signed URLs; CloudFront refers to them as Signed URLs and Signed Cookies. Note the service names in the URLs, in the documentation below.

1 Answers

Use https://storage.googleapis.com as a host to compose the URL that points to the desired resource. You can choose between a few ways to construct your base URL. Here are some possible combinations.

For reference, you can also check out a very simple snippet Python that could be helpful.

Hope it helps.

like image 98
Jose L Ugia Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09

Jose L Ugia