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Upload files from android to wcf

Well Ive looked for hours and hours after an answer but havent really found anything that I could use.

  1. I want to be able to send/upload files (images, videos, documents, audio) to a webservice. I want to do this from an android device (version 2.2).
  2. I need to be able to send this to a tailormade wcf for my needs, I need to send information with the file in order to verify the user who wants to upload.
  3. Also worth mentioning is I use a restful wcf .net webservice which I prefer to continue to use if possible. Atleast I need to be able to use wcf .net as webservice for the communication.

All solutions Ive seen concentrate on the android part and never on the service part. I need both. :)

like image 642
Wondermoose Avatar asked Apr 27 '11 17:04


1 Answers

This blog post http://reecon.wordpress.com/2010/04/25/uploading-files-to-http-server-using-post-android-sdk/ describes how you can upload files with HTTP POST - which you must use from Android if you want to upload files to a WCF service wired up with webHttpBinding.

Extra metadata can be sent as HTTP headers.


like image 190
larsw Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09
