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Upload file using slackbot as Direct message

I am created slack bot, is there is any possible way send reply message as file? (I need to sent some file as reply message based on input). I tried using api file.upload it make the file as private not able access using url, but if i am upload to channel using sampe api, file is public, is there any way to send direct message as file by bot)

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laxman954 Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 17:10


1 Answers

Yes. You can share a file directly and privately with a user by sharing it in a direct message channel with the user.

Just put the {user-id} of the user you want to share the file with in the channels parameter of the files.upload API method and you are all set.

Your slack app will need the files:write:user scope. This also works with bots.

Example for user with ID U12345678:

curl -F content="Hello" -F channels=U12345678 -F token=xoxp-your-token-here  https://slack.com/api/files.upload
like image 96
Erik Kalkoken Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 03:10

Erik Kalkoken