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Upgrading Jekyll and dependencies for github pages

I originally installed my local github pages through the wizard/web interface that Github pages offered.

I'm now stuck with older versions of Jekyll and dependencies in my Gemfile.lock:


The ruby gem github-pages gives me a clue as what the most recent versions are: https://rubygems.org/gems/github-pages

But what's the recommended way to perform these upgrades? Can I just manually update the version number for any dependency? Or is there a trick to just get the last, standardized Gemfile?

like image 704
Bram Luyten Avatar asked Sep 15 '18 11:09

Bram Luyten

1 Answers

Delete you Gemfile.lock and run a bundle update command.

You will get up to date dependencies.

In the future, you can simply use bundle update to update your dependencies.

like image 169
David Jacquel Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 23:10

David Jacquel