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upgraded to swift 2, and cocoapods -.38.2 now getting build error Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 23




How can I diagnose this error Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 23

sent 130971 bytes  received 42 bytes  262026.00 bytes/sec
total size is 130816  speedup is 1.00
rsync -auv "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/iphonesimulator/libswiftSecurity.dylib" "/Users/jinteki/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-xyz/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/MyApp.app/Frameworks"
building file list ... rsync: link_stat "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/iphonesimulator/libswiftSecurity.dylib" failed: No such file or directory (2)

sent 29 bytes  received 20 bytes  98.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /SourceCache/rsync/rsync-45/rsync/main.c(992) [sender=2.6.9]
Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 23
like image 349
MonkeyBonkey Avatar asked Sep 15 '15 12:09


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What is latest version of Cocoapods?

1.11. 2 - September 13, 2021 (287 KB)

How do I know if Cocoapods is installed on my Mac?

To find if Cocoapods is installed or not run cmd (pod --version). if theresult is (Not Found) Pods is not installed.

What is CocoaPods in Xcode?

Cocoapods is an application level dependency manager that runs on objective-c, swift, and any other programming languages that run on Objective-C. It focuses on source-based distribution of third party code and allows automatic integration to your Xcode projects.

Do CocoaPods support static linking?

While Swift and CocoaPods both support static linking, not all libraries you include do. One of them that you’ll use in this project does not. If you’ve only programmed in Swift, this may look a bit strange. That’s because the Podfile is actually written in Ruby.

How do I add alamofire as a dependency in CocoaPods?

Add the following to your Podfile, right after use_frameworks!: This tells CocoaPods you want to include Alamofire version 4.9.1 as a dependency for your project. Save and close the Podfile. You now need to tell CocoaPods to install the dependencies for your project.

What is a CocoaPods dependency manager?

CocoaPods is a popular dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects. Thousands of libraries and millions of apps use it, according to the CocoaPods website. But what is a dependency manager and why do you need one? A dependency manager makes it easy to add, remove, update and manage the third-party dependencies your app uses.

2 Answers

I had this same issues and I cleaned the Build Folder via:

Product -> hold ALT pressed -> Clean Build Folder

like image 63
Simone Chelo Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 00:10

Simone Chelo

Removing derived data works too Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations -> tap on the derived data arrow -> Drag the derived data folder to trash

like image 22
mukaissi Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 23:10
