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Updating package with Bower

I am trying to update angular 1.0.5 to 1.0.6. I use Yeoman, and when try to update it is installing 1.0.5. I cleared the cache (removed everything from ~/.bower), still get the below log. I checked the repo, and it has 1.0.6. Is there a way I can make it update to 1.0.6.

bower update angular bower cloning git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git .. bower installing angular#v1.0.5  bower info angular angular     Versions:     - v1.0.6     - v1.0.5     - v1.0.4     - v1.0.3  $ bower --version 0.8.5   yo --version 1.0.0-beta.3 
like image 601
bsr Avatar asked May 03 '13 00:05


People also ask

How do I update my bower package?

If there aren't that many bower packages you have installed, try writing bower install [package_name] --save . This will just update your bower. json file.

Is bower still used?

The Bower package was last released in 2014 and after that, the official has announced to give up that package. It is just left as an outdated product on Nuget. So you do not need to install that package but to use the new package just as I recommend.

Where does bower install packages?

Installed packages will be placed in a bower_components directory. This is created in the folder which the bower program was executed. You can change this destination using the configuration options in a . bowerrc file.

What is bower package?

Bower is a package manager for client-side libraries and components that contain HTML, CSS, JavaScript, fonts, image files, and so on. You can install, locate, upgrade, and remove Bower packages without leaving WebStorm, on the dedicated Bower page or from the command line in the built-in terminal.

1 Answers

You have to upgrade to latest version of Bower: npm update -g bower

bower-angular 1.0.6 switched from component.json to bower.json which is only supported in Bower >=0.9.0

like image 122
Sindre Sorhus Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10

Sindre Sorhus