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Updating column value in loop in spark

Question in Brief:

For a more direct query, i want to run over all the rows sequentially, and assign some values to some variables (a, b, c), based on certain conditions for the specific row, then i would assign the value of 1 of these variables into a column of that particular row.


I want to update a column value in the data frame in spark. The update will be conditional, where in I will run a loop on row and update a column based on the values of the other columns of that row.

I tried to use withColumn approach but got error. Please suggest any other approach. The resolution of the withColumn approach will also be of great help.


var table1 = Seq((11, 25, 2, 0), (42, 20, 10, 0)).toDF("col_1", "col_2", "col_3", "col_4")


|   11|   25|    2|    0|
|   42|   20|   10|    0|

I have tried 2 approaches here:

  1. withColumn
  2. i("col_4") = adj_c

In the below code, the variables initialised at different locations need to be placed in this way only, as per the conditions


for(i <- table1.rdd.collect()) {
    if(i.getAs[Int]("col_1") > 0) {
       var adj_a = 0
       var adj_c = 0
        if(i.getAs[Int]("col_1") > (i.getAs[Int]("col_2") + i.getAs[Int]("col_3"))) {
            if(i.getAs[Int]("col_1") < i.getAs[Int]("col_2")) {
                adj_a = 10
                adj_c = 2
            else {
                adj_a = 5
        else {
            adj_c = 1
        adj_c = adj_c + i.getAs[Int]("col_2")
        table1.withColumn("col_4", adj_c)
         //i("col_4")  = adj_c

Error in 1st case:

table1.withColumn("col_4", adj_c)

<console>:80: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Int
 required: org.apache.spark.sql.Column
               table1.withColumn("col_4", adj_c)

I also tried to use col(adj_c) here, but it started failing with

<console>:80: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Int
 required: String
               table1.withColumn("col_4", col(adj_c))

Error in 2nd case:

(i("col_4") = adj_c)

<console>:81: error: value update is not a member of org.apache.spark.sql.Row
                i("col_4")  = adj_c

I want the output table to be:

|   11|   25|    2|    1|
|   42|   20|   10|    5|

Please suggest the possible solutions and revert in case of any doubt with the question.

Please help me with this as i am stuck with issue. Any kind of suggestion will be very helpful.

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Yashi Srivastava Avatar asked Jun 18 '19 11:06

Yashi Srivastava

3 Answers

You should use a when function instead of such complicated syntax, also there is no need for an explicit loop, Spark handles it itself. When you perform a withColumn it is applied to each row

table1.withColumn("col_4", when($"col_1" > $"col_2" + $"col_3", 5).otherwise(1)).show




|   11|   25|    2|    0|
|   42|   20|   10|    0|


table1.withColumn("col_4", when($"col_1" > $"col_2" + $"col_3", lit(5)).otherwise(1)).show
|   11|   25|    2|    1|
|   42|   20|   10|    5|
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SCouto Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10


UDF can be used with any custom logic for caluclate column value, like:

val calculateCol4 = (col_1:Int, col_2:Int, col_3:Int)  =>
  if (col_1 > 0) {

    var adj_a = 0
    var adj_c = 0
    if (col_1 > col_2 + col_3) {
      if (col_1 < col_2) {
        adj_a = 10
        adj_c = 2
      else {
        adj_a = 5
    else {
      adj_c = 1
    println("adj_c: "+adj_c)
    adj_c = adj_c + col_2
    // added for return correct result
  // added for return correct result
  else 0

val col4UDF = udf(calculateCol4)
table1.withColumn("col_4",col4UDF($"col_1", $"col_2", $"col_3"))
like image 45
pasha701 Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10


using spark.sql, more easy to read and understand -

scala> var table1 = Seq((11, 25, 2, 0), (42, 20, 10, 0)).toDF("col_1", "col_2", "col_3", "col_4")
table1: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [col_1: int, col_2: int ... 2 more fields]

scala> table1.show()
|   11|   25|    2|    0|
|   42|   20|   10|    0|

scala> table1.createOrReplaceTempView("table1")

scala> val result = spark.sql(s""" select col_1,
     |                                    col_2,
     |                                    col_3,
     |                                    CASE WHEN col_1 > (col_2 + col_3)
     |                                           THEN 5
     |                                         ELSE   1
     |                                    END as col_4
     |                              from  table1 """)
result: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [col_1: int, col_2: int ... 2 more fields]

scala> result.show(false)
|11   |25   |2    |1    |
|42   |20   |10   |5    |

Hope this is helpful.

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Ajay Ahuja Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10

Ajay Ahuja