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Updating Android UI using threads

I am writing an Android Chat App. I am listening for connections and I receive data and I can see it in the Log.d, but whenever I try to update my UI the application crashes.

Code snippet:

private class chatReceiver implements Runnable {     @Override     public void run() {         try {             skt = new DatagramSocket(Integer.parseInt(Main.prefs.getString("port_number", "5432")));             DatagramPacket rcvPkt = new DatagramPacket(rcvBuf,rcvBuf.length);             String ack = "Hello from our SimpleUDPServer";             byte[] sndBuf = ack.getBytes();             while (true) {                 Log.d("Server received: " ,"entered loop");                 skt.receive(rcvPkt);                 String rcvMsg = new String(rcvBuf, 0, rcvPkt.getLength(), "UTF-8");                 Log.d("Server received: " ,"receiving" + rcvMsg);                 if (rcvMsg != null) {                     Log.d("Server received: " ,"not equal null");                     // I want to update my UI here                 }                 DatagramPacket k = new DatagramPacket(sndBuf, sndBuf.length,                         rcvPkt.getAddress(), rcvPkt.getPort());                 skt.send(k);                 Log.d("Server sent" ,ack);              }         } catch (IOException ex) {             Log.d("ThreadStart", "Error Starting thread" + ex.getStackTrace());         }      } }  

and to update the UI I do use :

public static void updateUI(Bubble b, View itemView) {      TextView txt_display_name = (TextView) itemView             .findViewById(R.id.display_name);     txt_display_name.setText(b.getDisplay_name());     TextView txt_chat_body = (TextView) itemView             .findViewById(R.id.chat_body);     txt_chat_body.setText(b.getChat_body());     TextView txt_creation_date = (TextView) itemView             .findViewById(R.id.creation_date);     txt_creation_date.setText(b.getCreation_time()); } 

The application keeps crashing.

like image 381
AhmadAssaf Avatar asked Mar 03 '11 18:03


People also ask

Can we update UI from thread in Android?

In this case, to update the UI from a background thread, you can create a handler attached to the UI thread, and then post an action as a Runnable : Handler handler = new Handler(Looper. getMainLooper()); handler. post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // update the ui from here } });

Can we update UI from thread?

Worker threads However, note that you cannot update the UI from any thread other than the UI thread or the "main" thread. To fix this problem, Android offers several ways to access the UI thread from other threads. Here is a list of methods that can help: Activity.

How many threads can modify the UI components of Android?

There're 3 types of thread: Main thread, UI thread and Worker thread. Main thread: when an application is launched, the system creates a thread of execution for the application, called main.

Which thread can update the user interface?

If you need to update UI from HandlerThread , post a message on UI Thread Looper and UI Thread Handler can handle UI updates.

2 Answers

You cannot change UI elements from a non-UI thread. Try using runOnUiThread.

runOnUiThread(new Runnable(){     @Override     public void run(){         // change UI elements here     } }); 
like image 139
user634618 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 03:09


You cannot touch anything in the UI thread from a background thread, to do that use Handlers, initialize your background thread passing it a Handler object. When data arrives to use the handler to send a message to the UI. In the UI when the message from the background thread comes, just update the Views.

Example Code Snippet :

in the background thread:

if(dataArrives){     Message msg = handler.obtainMessage();     msg.what = UPDATE_IMAGE;     msg.obj = bitmap;     msg.arg1 = index;     handler.sendMessage(msg); } 

in the UI thread:

final Handler handler = new Handler(){   @Override   public void handleMessage(Message msg) {     if(msg.what==UPDATE_IMAGE){       images.get(msg.arg1).setImageBitmap((Bitmap) msg.obj);     }     super.handleMessage(msg);   } }; 

and pass the handler to the background thread.

like image 39
Franco Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 03:09
