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Updating an existing Rdata file


I have found myself in the position of needing to update one or two data objects in an Rdata file previously created using save. If I'm not careful to load the file I can forget to re-save some objects in the file. As an example, I'm working on a package with some objects stored in sysdata.rda (look-up tables for internal use which I do not want to export) and only want to worry about updating individual objects.

I haven't managed to work out if there is a standard way to do this, so created my own function.

resave <- function (..., list = character(), file = stop("'file' must be specified")) {
  # create a staging environment to load the existing R objects
  stage <- new.env()
  load(file, envir=stage)
  # get the list of objects to be "resaved"
  names <- as.character(substitute(list(...)))[-1L]
  list <- c(list, names)
  # copy the objects to the staging environment
  lapply(list, function(obj) assign(obj, get(obj), stage))
  # save everything in the staging environment
  save(list=ls(stage, all.names=TRUE), file=file)

It does seem like overkill though. Is there a better/easier way to do this?

As an aside, am I right in assuming that a new environment created in the scope of a function is destroyed after the function call?

like image 494
seancarmody Avatar asked Aug 05 '12 00:08


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Where are RData files saved?

RData file in the data folder of your working directory.

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The easiest way to load the data into R is to double-click on the particular file yourfile. RData after you download it to your computer. This will open in RStudio only if you have associated the . RData files with RStudio.

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Rdata is used to save multiple R objects, while Rds is used to save a single R object.

What is the extension of RData file?

The RData format (usually with extension . rdata or . rda) is a format designed for use with R, a system for statistical computation and related graphics, for storing a complete R workspace or selected "objects" from a workspace in a form that can be loaded back by R.

1 Answers

Here is a slightly shorter version:

resave <- function(..., list = character(), file) {
   previous  <- load(file)
   var.names <- c(list, as.character(substitute(list(...)))[-1L])
   for (var in var.names) assign(var, get(var, envir = parent.frame()))
   save(list = unique(c(previous, var.names)), file = file)

I took advantage of the fact the load function returns the name of the loaded variables, so I could use the function's environment instead of creating one. And when using get, I was careful to only look in the environment from which the function is called, i.e. parent.frame().

Here is a simulation:

x1 <- 1
x2 <- 2
x3 <- 3
save(x1, x2, x3, file = "abc.RData")

x1 <- 10
x2 <- 20
x3 <- 30
resave(x1, x3, file = "abc.RData")

# [1] 10
# [1] 2
# [1] 30
like image 63
flodel Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10
