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Update Winforms UI from background thread result

This is probably a silly question, but I could not find an answer on stackoverflow.

I have a button click event in a Winform app that runs a thread to caclulate a result to display in a form.

How do I update the Forms UI when the thread has calculated the result?

    private void btnRequestR2Approval_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (User.IsLogged)
            ValidationResults results = new ValidationResults();

            Logger log = Logger.Instance();
            Logger.NewLogAddedHandler messageDelegate = new Logger.NewLogAddedHandler(results.NewLogMessage);

            if (!log.IsEventHandlerRegistered())
                log.NewLogAdded += messageDelegate;

            ThreadStart operation = new ThreadStart(ValidateAndSubmit);
            Thread theThread = new Thread(operation);

            MessageBox.Show("Please login");


Thank you

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Sergey Avatar asked Jun 11 '09 19:06


1 Answers

The simplest technique for executing a background task in WinForms is to use a BackgroundWorker.

  • Drop it onto a form.
  • Wire up the events. As a minimum, use DoWork. You'll probably also want RunWorkerCompleted.
  • Write your background task in the DoWork event.
  • Write any UI changes in the RunWorkerCompleted event.
  • Call backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync(); to kick off the process, probably from some button handler.

Using a BackgroundWorker avoids all the annoying thread handling and IsInvokeRequired stuff.

Here's a more detailed how-to article.

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Don Kirkby Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10

Don Kirkby