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Update specific Values using Firebase for Android

I have a Firebase data created as follows

   Description: "test1"
   Status: "PENDING"
   Description: "test2"
   Status: "PENDING"

I need to update the 2nd object's status from PENDING to COMPLETED. I am using the updateChildren method but it is added a new node to the tasks child.

How do I update the status of the 2nd node without creating a new node?

Here is my code as of now,

//on a button click listener


    Firebase m_objFireBaseRef = new Firebase(AppConstants.FIREBASE_URL);        
    final Firebase objRef = m_objFireBaseRef.child("tasks");    
    Map<String,Object> taskMap = new HashMap<String,Object>();
    taskMap.put("Status", "COMPLETED");
    objRef.updateChildren(taskMap); //should I use setValue()...?

like image 823
Parth Doshi Avatar asked Oct 24 '15 06:10

Parth Doshi

Video Answer

2 Answers

You're not specifying the task id of the task that you want to update.

String taskId = "-K1NRz9l5PU_0CFDtgXz";

Firebase m_objFireBaseRef = new Firebase(AppConstants.FIREBASE_URL);        
Firebase objRef = m_objFireBaseRef.child("tasks");
Firebase taskRef = objRef.child(taskId);
Map<String,Object> taskMap = new HashMap<String,Object>();
taskMap.put("Status", "COMPLETED");

Alternatively, you can just call setValue() on the property you want to update

String taskId = "-K1NRz9l5PU_0CFDtgXz";

Firebase m_objFireBaseRef = new Firebase(AppConstants.FIREBASE_URL);        
Firebase objRef = m_objFireBaseRef.child("tasks");
Firebase taskRef = objRef.child(taskId);
Firebase statusRef = taskRef.child("Status");


Firebase m_objFireBaseRef = new Firebase(AppConstants.FIREBASE_URL);        
Firebase objRef = m_objFireBaseRef.child("tasks");


Not sure what "I need to track the ID based on the status" means. But if you want to synchronize all tasks that are in status Pending, you'd do:

Firebase m_objFireBaseRef = new Firebase(AppConstants.FIREBASE_URL);        
Firebase objRef = m_objFireBaseRef.child("tasks");
Query pendingTasks = objRef.orderByChild("Status").equalTo("PENDING");
pendingTasks.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
    public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot tasksSnapshot) {
        for (DataSnapshot snapshot: tasksSnapshot.getChildren()) {
    public void onCancelled(FirebaseError firebaseError) {
        System.out.println("The read failed: " + firebaseError.getMessage());
like image 122
Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10

Frank van Puffelen

You can use code below to update

HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>();
        result.put("Description", "Your Description comes here");


It will update a specific child

like image 43
Praveen Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 06:10
