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Update single field using spring data jpa

I'm using spring-data's repositories - very convenient thing but I faced an issue. I easily can update whole entity but I believe it's pointless when I need to update only a single field:

@Entity @Table(schema = "processors", name = "ear_attachment") public class EARAttachment {      private Long id;     private String originalName;     private String uniqueName;//yyyy-mm-dd-GUID-originalName     private long size;     private EARAttachmentStatus status; 

to update I just call method save. In log I see the followwing:

batching 1 statements: 1: update processors.ear_attachment set message_id=100,  original_name='40022530424.dat',  size=506,  status=2, unique_name='2014-12-16-8cf74a74-e7f3-40d8-a1fb-393c2a806847-40022530424.dat' where id=1  

I would like to see some thing like this:

batching 1 statements: 1: update processors.ear_attachment set status=2 where id=1  

Spring's repositories have a lot of facilities to select something using name conventions, maybe there is something similar for update like updateForStatus(int status);

like image 506
Dmitrii Borovoi Avatar asked Mar 23 '15 02:03

Dmitrii Borovoi

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1 Answers

You can try something like this on your repository interface:

@Modifying @Query("update EARAttachment ear set ear.status = ?1 where ear.id = ?2") int setStatusForEARAttachment(Integer status, Long id); 

You can also use named params, like this:

@Modifying @Query("update EARAttachment ear set ear.status = :status where ear.id = :id") int setStatusForEARAttachment(@Param("status") Integer status, @Param("id") Long id); 

The int return value is the number of rows that where updated. You may also use void return.

See more in reference documentation.

like image 88
Bruno Ribeiro Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 21:09

Bruno Ribeiro