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update parameters in URL with history.pushState()

I am using history.pushState to append few params to current page URL after making an AJAX call on my page. Now on same page based on user action, I want to update the page URL again with same or additional set of params. So my code looks like this:

var pageUrl = window.location.href + "?" + queryString;

queryString is my list of query params.

  • For example, My Default page URL: http://sample.com/
  • After First AJAX call on same page URL should be: http://sample.com?param1=foo&param2=bar
  • After Second AJAX call on same page URL can be: http://sample.com/?param1=foo,foo1&param2=bar&param3=another_foo

But with the above code my params are getting appended to URL with the params and they look like below after second AJAX call:


So the params appear twice in the URL, is there any way of replacing the params in URL before pushing to History or any other better way to achieve this in javascript(jquery) ?

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Kush Avatar asked Jun 18 '14 09:06


People also ask

What is history pushState ()?

In an HTML document, the history. pushState() method adds an entry to the browser's session history stack.

Does history pushState reload page?

But this function is not intended to reload the browser. All the function does, is to add (push) a new "state" onto the browser history, so that in future, the user will be able to return to this state that the web-page is now in.

What is the difference between pushState and replaceState?

The big difference is, that while pushState will create a new entry in the browser's history, replaceState will only replace the current state. As a side effect of this, using the replaceState method will change the URL in the address bar, without creating a new history entry.

3 Answers

I think what you need is remove window.location.href and leave '?' +.

var pageUrl = '?' + queryString;
window.history.pushState('', '', pageUrl);
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dexcoris Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10


This function might be helpful

function updateUrlParameter(param, value) {
    const regExp = new RegExp(param + "(.+?)(&|$)", "g");
    const newUrl = window.location.href.replace(regExp, param + "=" + value + "$2");
    window.history.pushState("", "", newUrl);

Edit: The following solution is simpler, and it also works if the parameter is not yet part of the URL. However, it's not supported by Internet Explorer (you don't say?).

function setQueryStringParameter(name, value) {
    const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
    params.set(name, value);
    window.history.replaceState({}, "", decodeURIComponent(`${window.location.pathname}?${params}`));
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tocqueville Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10


In order to keep the last part of the url and just play with parameters, you can create a new URL object like so:

// e.g url: sample.com/testpage/test

var url = new URL(window.location);
url.searchParams.set('foo', 'bar');
window.history.pushState({}, '', url);

// outcome: sample.com/testpage/test?foo=bar

// you can remove, just the param part, like so:

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Theo Itzaris Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 16:10

Theo Itzaris