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update nested object with (ES6) computed property name

In my case, I'm using React.js and I would like to dynamically update the values in the deployOptions object.

For example -

initial state looks like:

getInitialState() {
    return {
      deployOptions: {
        config: null,
        action: 'deploy',
        env: 'qa'

Obviously this is not correct - but this is what I'm trying to achieve

configOptionChange(option) {

    // option -> { key: 'env', value: 'prod' }

      [deployOptions.option.key]: option.value

so that my state would then be

    deployOptions: {
      config: null,
      action: 'deploy',
      env: 'prod' // only this changes
like image 831
Ben Avatar asked Dec 03 '15 17:12


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To update nested properties in a state object in React: Pass a function to setState to get access to the current state object. Use the spread syntax (...) to create a shallow copy of the object and the nested properties. Override the properties you need to update.

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1 Answers

It's not especially pretty, but I think this is the best you can do with ES6:

configOptionChange({ key, value }) {
    deployOptions: {
      [key]: value

It's basically equivalent to your own Object.assign solution but using the ES6 spread (...) operator (and argument destructuring for good measure).

Here's a second option that isn't as clever but feels a little cleaner to me:

configOptionChange({ key, value }) {
  const { deployOptions: prevDeployOptions } = this.state;
  const deployOptions = { ...prevDeployOptions, [key]: value };
  this.setState({ ...this.state, deployOptions });
like image 151
Jordan Running Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 14:10

Jordan Running