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Update git commit author date when amending



I found myself amending my commits quite often. I don't stash so much because I tend to forget I did so, especially when I want to save what I did before I leave or before a weekend, so I do a "draft" commit. Only thing is, when I amend the commit, it is still set to the original author date. Is there a (simple) way to update it when amending?

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ksol Avatar asked Feb 02 '12 09:02


People also ask

Does amend Change commit date?

Just do git commit --amend --reset-author --no-edit . For older commits, you can do an interactive rebase and choose edit for the commit whose date you want to modify.

How do I update an existing commit?

You can modify the most recent commit in the same branch by running git commit --amend. This command is convenient for adding new or updated files to the previous commit. It is also a simple way to edit or add comments to the previous commit. Use git commit --amend to modify the most recent commit.

Does amend Change commit ID?

commit message Show activity on this post. Amending a Git commit changes the commit date (which is different from the date you initially see when running git log -- run git log --format=fuller to see the commit date). The commit date is taken into account when creating the commit hash.

2 Answers

You can change the author date with the --date parameter to git commit. So, if you want to amend the last commit, and update its author date to the current date and time, you can do:

git commit --amend --date="$(date -R)" 

(The -R parameter to date tells it to output the date in RFC 2822 format. This is one of the date formats understood by git commit.)

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Mark Longair Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09

Mark Longair

As of Git v2.1.4 (tested on Debian 8 (Jessie))

git commit --amend --date=now 
like image 32
Kamal Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09
