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UPDATE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'

I am having a problem with an update stored procedure. The error is:

UPDATE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods.

SQL State: 42000
Native Error: 1934

Unfortunately, there are no indexed views, computed columns, or query notifications for this table. This Stored Procedure was running fine for past couple of days and since today has been returning this error.

Is there any suggestion that would help in identifying the problem?

Note: If I set the quoted_identifier to ON and rerun the CREATE PROCEDURE, the issue will be fixed (for now). But I want to understand what triggered this issue in the first place.

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balalakshmi Avatar asked Aug 07 '09 10:08


People also ask

What is set Ansi_nulls Quoted_identifier on?

When a stored procedure is created, the SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER and SET ANSI_NULLS settings are captured and used for subsequent invocations of that stored procedure. When executed inside a stored procedure, the setting of SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is not changed. When SET ANSI_DEFAULTS is ON, QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is also ON.

What is Quoted_identifier?

THE QUOTED_IDENTIFIER setting allows SQL Server to follow ISO rules regarding quotation mark delimiting identifiers and literal settings or in plain English it specifies how SQL Server treats data with in single or double quotes.

2 Answers

To avoid that error, I needed to add


for all my stored procs editing a table with a computed column.

You don't need to add the SET inside the proc, just use it during creation, like this:

like image 139
Jim Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09


We cannot create a indexed view by setting the quoted identifier off. I just tried it and SQL 2005 throws an error straight away if it is turned off:

Cannot create index. Object 'SmartListVW' was created with the following SET options off: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'.

As gbn said, rebuilding the indexes must be the only other way it got turned off.

I have seen lots of articles saying it must be on before creating index on views. Otherwise you would get an error while inserting, updating the table, but here I can get the error straight away, so sql engine won't allow to create index on views by setting it to off, per this msdn link.

I have asked a similar question here in stack sometime ago...


I turned off the global queryexecution (in editor) ANSI settings and ran the index script in new editor, this time also it throws the same error. So it's clear we can't create indexes on views by turning off quoted_identifier.

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RameshVel Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09
