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Update datatables (JQuery) when button is clicked

I've created a simple form and I'm using the Datatables jQuery plugin to display some data in it. Data are being populated by a php script (process.php) which returns the proper results in JSON format. In the form, there is a button that sends the value of the textbox to the process.php. The problem is that I cannot update/alter datatable with the new data received by process.php script when the button is clicked.

The code of the form:

<form name="myform" id="myform" action="" method="POST">  
    <label for="id">Enter an id:</label>  
    <input type="text" name="txtId" id="txtId" value=""/> 
    <input type="button" id="btnSubmit" name="btnSubmit" value="Search"> 

<div id="results">
    <table class="display" id="example">
            <!-- data goes here -->

To create the datatable, I'm using the following JQuery code:

    $(document).ready(function() {
            var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
                "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
                "iDisplayLength": 10,
                //"bServerSide": true,
                "sAjaxSource": "process.php"
            } );

                type: "POST",  
                url: "process.php",  
                data: 'txtId=' + $("txtId").val(),  
                success: function(result) {  
    } );

process.php script (works fine) is:

if (empty($_REQUEST["txtId"])) {    
    $result = '{"aaData":[["1","Surname1","Name1"]]}';
else {
    $result = '{"aaData":[["2","Surname2","Name2"]]}';
print $result;
like image 457
dimmat Avatar asked Apr 15 '12 08:04


People also ask

How Update DataTable with parameters on a button click?

On a button click you would call that view and it would render it as it should. But if you want to have it all in a one view, the solution is this: Have a JS function that is called when a button is clicked, and search the column by it's index with the value from the DropDown.

How do you refresh a data table?

For DataTable, AcceptChanges() method is used to refresh the data. table. AcceptChanges(); // it reloads the datatable rows.

2 Answers

fnReloadAjax is what you should use (and I believe that it might have a redraw built into the function). But the problem is that, although you make a second .ajax call, the data in that call is not associated with your datatable at all and will never be bound to it.

Using fnReloadAjax will make the same Ajax call that you specified in your table initialization. So what you need, as Stefan mentioned, is to specify your fnServerData parameter in your datatable settings (but trash the Success parameters, because something along those lines is already assumed by datatables). Then just make your button call fnReloadAjax().

Here's what your final code should look like:

$(document).ready(function() {
        var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
            "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
            "iDisplayLength": 10,
            "sAjaxSource": "process.php",
            "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) {
                $.ajax( {
                    "dataType": 'json', 
                    "type": "POST", 
                    "url": sSource, 
                    "data": 'txtId=' + $("txtId").val(), 
                    "success": fnCallback
                } );
        } );

} );
like image 95
mbeasley Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 18:11


At last, I found the solution! There were 2 problems in my JQuery code:

  1. I had to add the fnReloadAjax() code after the script tags which load datatables and before the $(document).ready() statement.
  2. I had to alter the JQuery code of my submit button (no need for an AJAX call, only fnReloadAjax() is necessary).

Thank you both Stefan & mbeasley!!

JQuery code now is:

// fnReloadAjax() code      
    $.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnReloadAjax = function ( oSettings, sNewSource, fnCallback, bStandingRedraw )
        if ( typeof sNewSource != 'undefined' && sNewSource != null )
            oSettings.sAjaxSource = sNewSource;
        this.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, true );
        var that = this;
        var iStart = oSettings._iDisplayStart;
        var aData = [];

        this.oApi._fnServerParams( oSettings, aData );

        oSettings.fnServerData( oSettings.sAjaxSource, aData, function(json) {
            /* Clear the old information from the table */
            that.oApi._fnClearTable( oSettings );

            /* Got the data - add it to the table */
            var aData =  (oSettings.sAjaxDataProp !== "") ?
                that.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( oSettings.sAjaxDataProp )( json ) : json;

            for ( var i=0 ; i<aData.length ; i++ )
                that.oApi._fnAddData( oSettings, aData[i] );

            oSettings.aiDisplay = oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.slice();

            if ( typeof bStandingRedraw != 'undefined' && bStandingRedraw === true )
                oSettings._iDisplayStart = iStart;
                that.fnDraw( false );

            that.oApi._fnProcessingDisplay( oSettings, false );

            /* Callback user function - for event handlers etc */
            if ( typeof fnCallback == 'function' && fnCallback != null )
                fnCallback( oSettings );
        }, oSettings );

    $(document).ready(function() {

        var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
            "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
            "iDisplayLength": 10,
            //"bServerSide": true,
            "sAjaxSource": "process.php"

            oTable.fnReloadAjax("process.php?txtId=" + $("txtId").val());

    } );
like image 38
dimmat Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 18:11
