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Update concat text with null value in mysql



trasaction table description field have some value it is worked fine. description feild default value is NULL,its not works..

update transaction set domain='hiox.com',description=CONACT(description,',domain swapped from hioxindia.com to hiox.com') where id=23602

help me..

like image 439
Vaishu Avatar asked Jun 25 '12 10:06


People also ask

How to handle NULL in CONCAT?

When you concatenate any string with a NULL value, it will result in NULL. To avoid this, you can use the COALESCE function. The COALESCE function returns the first non-Null value. So, when there is a value in the column that is not null, that will be concatenated.

Can we use concat in update query MySQL?

We can append a string of data to an existing data of a field by using concat function of MySQL. Here we are not updating or replacing existing data with a new one, we are just adding the string at the end(or at the beginning ) of the field data. Joining strings by using CONCAT and handling NULL value.

How do you concatenate in a update query?

MySQL, UPDATE data into a database using CONCAT() If you would like the data that you are entering to appear at the beginning of the existing data, simply flip the concatenation, example: UPDATE table1 SET changelog = CONCAT("new data", changelog) WHERE id = 'idnumber';

1 Answers

Use ifnull():

update `transaction` 
   set domain='hiox.com',
   description=CONCAT(ifnull(description, ''), ',domain swapped from hioxindia.com to hiox.com') 
where id=23602


like image 197
juergen d Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 05:10

juergen d