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Update antd form if initialValue is changed




I'm passing currentUser data from my Redux-saga into antd form, Name, email, phone number, introduction are passed to the form as initialvalue, what i want to do is i want to submit the form as a put request to db if the initialvalue has been changed.. here is my code

import React  from 'react';
import {createStructuredSelector} from 'reselect';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { selectCurrentUser } from '../../redux/user/user.selector';

import { Form, Input, Button } from 'antd';

import './profile_form.styles.css'

/* eslint-disable no-template-curly-in-string */
const ProfileForm = ({currentUser}) => {
  const {name, email} = currentUser

  const onFinish = values => {

  const layout = {
    labelCol: {
      span: 7,
    wrapperCol: {
      span: 15,

  return (
    <Form className='profile-form' {...layout} 
    initialValues={{ firstname: name, lastname: name, email: email }} 
        label="First Name"
        <Input  />
        name= 'lastname'
        label="Last Name"
        <Input  value={name}/>

        <Input value={email} />
      <Form.Item name= 'phonenumber' label="Phone Number"
        <Input />
      <Form.Item name='introduction' label="Introduction"
        <Input.TextArea />
      <Form.Item wrapperCol={{ ...layout.wrapperCol, offset: 8 }}>
        <Button type="primary" htmlType="submit">

const mapStateToProps = createStructuredSelector({

export default connect(mapStateToProps) (ProfileForm);

i found "onValuesChange" in antd api but have no idea how it's to be used.

like image 255
Jide Avatar asked Apr 25 '20 07:04


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1 Answers

If you are using hooks you can add an useEffect with the code:

useEffect(() => {
}, [form, defaultValues])

Remember define the form value first:

const [form] = Form.useForm()

And remember to pass this form instance to the Form component:


In this form, you going to update the defaultValues when the component renders. If you are using classes, you can put the code inside componentDidUpdate lifecycle method.


like image 199
Julian Salamanca Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10

Julian Salamanca